With Hazardous and crew getting ready to do their thing I got the bug to do my own female character too. I'm sure there will be a lot of good advice floating around so I'll try and capitalize on all that sweetness.
I don't have anything really planned out yet, kinda of just freeballing as I get the anatomy down. All I know for sure is I want some that will 'bring all the boys to the yard'.
Anatomy critiques and suggestions are most wanted, thanks.

Something else I also noticed is her rear. I would lift and separate her buttcheeks and add some sort of conformingness to her underwear (kinda like a wedgie but not quite).
Her torso is also a bit manly. I think this is as simple as lowering her waist a bit, and widening her hips. Maybe not the waist bit, but definitely the hips are too narrow compared to her shoulders.
@ace, thanks man I'll take that as sage advice with what I'll assume is first hand experience with coked out hookers.
It looks much better right now, although I'm not sure how much you want to push muscle structure pending on your choices. Girls who wear high heels tend to have very muscular, thick legs, even a little bit of height really push's the muscle structure.
Something that long? I think her muscle definition would be thicker, harder, and stronger all the way up to her va-jay-jay. Something along the lines of Amazonian.
I agree, afro with highlights XD
that's what forced her to start turning tricks :poly122:
Go figure.