I am building a set-piece, where my camera is meant to orbit the centre of the enviroment, in relation to the players position.
I am working in kismet, and the problem I am having is that there does not seem to be a way to find A-Tan.
This Is what I have.
Node Set 1: Attached the Camera to a Ball in the centre of the level.
Node Set 2: Attached a DynamicTriggerVolume to the Player.
Node Set 3: GetLocationandRotation of both Centre Ball and DynamicTriggerVolume as vector.
The problem is now, that I do not have a way to use these vectors to find the difference in rotation, to there after position the camera in the new location, facing the centre once more.
I also built a matinee for the central Ball, spinning, to make sure the camera could track it, which was fine, it goes around smoothly. Might there be a way to compare the matinees progression in relation to the players location otherwise?
All help is appreciated!
Might there be a way to fix the ball on its position, and only track the player along x/y? Considering that the matinee actually shows me that I just need the ball to rotate along with the players position?
This should work. I haven't done it up in Kismet, but the nodes are available:
d = Player Distance from arena center
p = Player position
c = Camera orbit radius
CameraPosition = p * (c / d)
So you should only need a position/rotation node and a distance node.
SeqAct_GetDistance - Gets distance from A to B
SeqAct_MultiplyFloat - Multiples A and B and returns result
SeqAct_DivideFloat - Divides A and B and returns Result
SeqAct_GetLocationAndRotation - Return Location and Rotation of target
All should be available in UDK, you might want to checkout