Hate to ask, because i'm sure that it's been brought up and or posted/linked a million and a half plus times, but i'm looking for a library of movement reference, either for animation or still drawing. I searched the forums a bit but couldn't exactly find what i'm looking for. Particularly, i'm looking for a female crouching/forward creeping pose, but all of the figure drawing sites I use don't seem to have something like that, so i'm stumped (google is almost entirely useless for this)
I do not have an uberphone yet, but between my phone, my hero, and my Kodak Playsport ( horrible stabilization but neat underwater swimming shots ) I have no problem asking for volunteers. Would be really cool if there was an Autodesk 123D catch ap for my phone for "instant" photogrammetry image modeling via it's cloud rendering solution. That would make capturing cool architecture whenever one is out and about. ( Otherwise I find I am always to lazy to follow up later when I do take photogrammetry reference shots ).
If you r unlucky and have no input device, endlessreference channel is nice:
Between the rolls and the different female cycles ( walking angry, staggering, drunk ) they might have good enuff? )
otherwise doing it yourself and you always get the footage just the way u want. ( I find I can waste a lot of time trying to get the perfect reference in Google )