I am trying to recreate Quake 3 "The longest yard" level in UDK, its my favorite level. I pretty much finished blocking it out, determining the scale, player speed and other parameters. It plays nice so far with bots.
I intend to remake at least 2 weapons, the rocket launcher and the machine gun you start with. I will give the level a personal touch with the assets i will make but i intend to keep the mood of the level and dynamic gameplay it offers in Quake.
here's what I've got so far:

Criticism is really welcome, don't hesitate to say anything no matter how harsh it might sound.
Thank you!
Also are there any rules about laying PathNodes? is there a limit, should I add as many as I can or just a few needed ones?
Thank you
You don't need to put them everywhere. I like to place them at intersections, making sure they can "see" each other. Though, normally I don't use pathnodes, but breadcrumb with small health vials.
You can render the paths after building to see them, to make sure bots can get everywhere. I'm not sure if there's a limit, but you probably don't need many for this simple layout.
I will come up with some modeling WIPs soon
You rock for making this
Can't wait to see the finished result ^^
1) I want to play with the damage of the weapons, where should i start?
2) When i shoot a bot the "bullet" is pretty precise, I'm not sure but i think shot a bot between his legs or something like that, how can i make the Bot's hit volume larger? basically i want to make aiming a little easier?
and a texture update:
at the moment it looks like it's going to be the same thing but with modern textures and high res props.
Also i intend to play with the lightning of the scene, while in Quake there was some sort of uniform lightning used i want to light it up with spotlights pretty much like an arena would be lit
There could be something different for the background rather then just pitch black space,just a thought.Maybe that's too early for think about that.
Great project man,respects.
I don't intend to flood the map with detail considering that my computer can't handle to much anyway but i most certainly don't like the flat edges of the platforms.
You mentioned the background, I don't know what to do with it yet, maybe a star field, maybe a planet or something, I know that in the Quake Live version of the map there is a planet under the map. I am open for any suggestions!
You definitely need this map to be in space. Get inspiration from the quake live one, a planet or moon far away would look awesome. Or if you can get yourself some screenshot of the dreamcast's version(didnt find any), it was a background filled with beautiful purple stars if I remember well, and it was helping with the gameplay a bit, cause we didnt see the opponent so well from far away cause there were so many stars...Oh and in the dreamcast version when you were falling of the edge there was not a killing volume at the bottom like the PC version, you were teleported back on the map in some kind of purple wormhole, this could be awesome to do
I also think your scale is off... the characters are a bit too small in the map...look at some gameplay of this map and try to find de right scale...good luck!
Also i have a question, its just an idea that came to me: Is there a way to pull the Score value from the game into the material editor and have it displayed on a screen, in the level? Just the player's score (how many bots you killed). It won't add drastic changes but it would be a fancy addition.