Just pimping an indie game I'm currently involved in.I only help out doing some level concepts, most of the heavy lifting so to speak were done by the other guys.Anyway here's a preview,if you are interested to know more about the game and would like to support the project here's our kickstarter page>>
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1705039471/army-antzABOUT THIS PROJECT
Army Antz is an Overview Real-time tactics game, that will be built with the Unity 3D engine. We are going with a Cartoon look for the game with toon shaded colors. Army Antz will feature lots of fun with single or multiplayer online play with many characters, each with their own class of weapons to choose from.
We want you to be able to play it on your big TV right from your iPhone or iPad with your family or friends using your Apple TV.
Our current goal is creating our finished project for the iPod/iPhone/iPad. Then after port it to the Android, maybe one day on XBox, PS3 and Wii. We are asking for support to give us the opportunity to finish our game and produce more games in the near future.
