not exactly familiar with werewolf anatomy, and this might just be personal preference, but the waist/hips on all of the front view silhouettes look far to thin/weird
I wish I could illustrate exactly what I meant
The first one still has a reasonable shilouette, while 2, 3 and 4 look like roadkills :P . I'd say go for a heavy, chunky yet humanoid Wolf, that should be easiest to do, since you can look at human anatomy for reference. Get an artists anatomy book and get acqainted with the shape defining muscle groups then doodle your concept.
No more to say at this point, good Luck with your assignment ^^
I did a werewolf creature for one of my university assignments, I re created "Tails" from the sonic series, this mite be abit more bulky than the look you was going for but it mite help
Great to see that youve started a thread I think you should build the form around anatomy, and it is a werewolf you have two great refs, human anatomy and wolf anatomy.
These are two images i just found, and if you look at it, the werewolf design has the skeleton of the wolf. With this idea and the knowledge that werewolves are part human part wolf we can sort of fill in the gaps.
The werewolf has the skeleton of a wolf, erego the human characteristics must come from the muscular structure. If you look at dogs and wolves you will notice very little muscle around the chest area and alot around the deltoids and quads. But whenever we see an image of a werewolf in the media it has a human chest.
I suck at explaining but hopefully this should help with designing the werewolf...
wolfonthehorizon - love that model man great concept to base it off of too
EDIT: another thing i just noticed, the skeletal structure of the werewolves hand resembles a human hand not a wolfs
Your Red idea reminds me of a recent "Once upon a time" episode involving red.
Looking at your refence images they seem to be the bulky sort of werewolves where as you are going with more of a skinny version judging from your silhouettes. Maybe you could check out Professor Lupin from the 3rd Harry Potter if memory serves they went with the skinny kind.
Also watch "Dog Soldiers". There has and never will be a better Werewolf movie. Period.
Your Red idea reminds me of a recent "Once upon a time" episode involving red.
Looking at your refence images they seem to be the bulky sort of werewolves where as you are going with more of a skinny version judging from your silhouettes. Maybe you could check out Professor Lupin from the 3rd Harry Potter if memory serves they went with the skinny kind.
Also watch "Dog Soldiers". There has and never will be a better Werewolf movie. Period.
The character is a girl so im trying to limit the muscles so that it doesnt look to manly.
This werewolf will be more slimming like the small concept above. Still keeping to the traditional style of a werewolf but making it look more femanine.
Since Werewolf's don't exist, you can do whatever you want with them to make them look unique.
However, if you're supposed to be following some kind of 'rule' (and yes, in the Fur-dom world, they actually do have guidelines for what are the basics of a Werewolf) then just google 'Female Werewolf' and you'll see almost all of them following the basic design of "Slim Amazonian with Fox face and breasts".
I wish I could illustrate exactly what I meant
No more to say at this point, good Luck with your assignment ^^
These are two images i just found, and if you look at it, the werewolf design has the skeleton of the wolf. With this idea and the knowledge that werewolves are part human part wolf we can sort of fill in the gaps.
The werewolf has the skeleton of a wolf, erego the human characteristics must come from the muscular structure. If you look at dogs and wolves you will notice very little muscle around the chest area and alot around the deltoids and quads. But whenever we see an image of a werewolf in the media it has a human chest.
I suck at explaining but hopefully this should help with designing the werewolf...
wolfonthehorizon - love that model man
EDIT: another thing i just noticed, the skeletal structure of the werewolves hand resembles a human hand not a wolfs
Looking at your refence images they seem to be the bulky sort of werewolves where as you are going with more of a skinny version judging from your silhouettes. Maybe you could check out Professor Lupin from the 3rd Harry Potter if memory serves they went with the skinny kind.
Also watch "Dog Soldiers". There has and never will be a better Werewolf movie. Period.
Twilight is!!
bwhahahahahahahah....good one! XD
This werewolf will be more slimming like the small concept above. Still keeping to the traditional style of a werewolf but making it look more femanine.
However, if you're supposed to be following some kind of 'rule' (and yes, in the Fur-dom world, they actually do have guidelines for what are the basics of a Werewolf) then just google 'Female Werewolf' and you'll see almost all of them following the basic design of "Slim Amazonian with Fox face and breasts".
You could make it 6 breasts if you like ;P