Hey hey!
Thought I'd finally post this, it's been sitting on my pc for a while, but after a good mentoring from
chrisradsby (thanks pal!) I thought I better get it up here for some crits to finish it off.
The scene is based off a concept by Brian Sum (
http://cghub.com/files/Image/127001-128000/127826/501_large.jpg). Some other polycounters have done this scene and have done a fantastic job, so sorry for just being "another person" to do this concept.
I've always struggled with the lighting on this, and being my first scene in CE3 my lack of experience in the editor may show, so if you have any pointers please let me know!
Hope everyone's having a good easter weekend


You forgot the Chest High Walls ;P
I'm not a fan of the OC truth be told, why don't you sprinkle some of your own 'flava' on it, to make it stand out?
-The sky outside is pretty dull, spruce it up.
-Add a vignette like effect for frosting around the edges of the glass.
These two should get you started.
Great work.
Take a look at the lighting
Right now it looks like it could be a corridor inside a medical station or a military station, or even a prison facility. It's too clean texture-wise, so it's hard to imagine where this corridor is at. I think ultimately context is key; if you can come up with the context of this corridor then you will be able to personalize this corridor and give it more life.
It looks awesome anyways :P
as it is the common criticism i'll certainly add some personality to this soon! as i mentioned earlier i'd like to finish off my current project and revisit this, i'm in no hurry at the moment. but I apologize for not being able to attend to it now, but all your comments are duly noted!
Somni that's great advice, thanks for wording it in a way which will make it easier for me to give it some life