Ok, so I'm new at taking the idea modeling to low poly in regard for use in a game engine. I'm starting out simple. I've done some research on mapping and such as I've really only focused on the modeling aspect itself in high poly.
Right now I'm working on a Pick head Axe in 3Ds Max. From what I understood from various readings, Normal maps have these requirements to work:
1) all polys are on smoothing group 1 (I'm thinking this isnt anywhere near accurate as only 1 smoothing group does weird stuff to the model)
2) the max detail required for the low poly model only needs to accurately retain the silouette of the high poly.
I'm working on this model under the assumption that I can have a max of 500 polys, but for a simpler object such as this I'm thinking between 200 - 300 would be optimum.
Here is a comparison render:
-Top Axe is High Poly intended only for Normal Baking.
-Middle is low poly with Normal Map applied and all polys on smoothing group 1.
-Bottom axe is just a plain low poly model with all polys smoothing group 1.
Low poly models are 225 polys. (could be 199 poly if I remove the center line, but I used that for my mapping seams so...)
The geometry of the head and handle are separate pieces; just part of the same object.
There also seems to be a huge difference in renderers. Here is Scanline: Close but seems to have artifacts. The shading on the low poly handle seems to be too sharp, and the shading of the axe head is a bit flat.

And here is Mental Ray: Can't really tell there's a difference between the 2 low poly meshes.

Here is the same with wire. Mental Ray with composite mat. for wires. (Scanline only renders wires for some reason.)

Here is my UVW unwrap for the low poly model. First time experimenting with this so not really sure how well it is done but...

I copied the low poly model so that after I had the high ploy fleshed out it would have the same exact UVW mapping.

Then I did some experiments and ended up with this Normal Map. I do have a couple of lights added to the scene for my renders; does that effect the Normal Bake at all?
Here is how it displays in 3ds Max

And here is what the file itself looks like... Is there a best format? I've read to use targa (which is what I'm using currently). Not sure what is up with the weird handle ridges, the high poly is perfectly smooth.

Would like some feedback on my low poly model, UVW unwrap, and normal map especially. The 2 sides of the axe head should be exact replicas of each other, so why did my normal map render out different? Also, how is the different results of the renderers (huge difference in quality) going to effect the model and rendering in a game engine?
Thanks in advance.
Honestly, I don't think that this is a particularly great study for learning normal maps since your high poly and low poly are almost identical there really isn't going to be much of a point in baking a normal map. Try something else (like a car tire) that has surface detail that a low poly mesh shouldn't have... depending on the game of course. Here's a good video that runs through the baking process.
I guess I kinda spaced over the wiki link up top, I'm going to have to read through that.