hey guys! I'm starting a new job in a few weeks and I have to switch my workflow from Max (been using it for 7 years) and zbrush to Maya and Mudbox!! I've just started and I'm getting the hang of Maya slowly. I found this awesome piece of concept art by Artyom Vlaskin and I'm going to be making it whilst I learn the new software. I'm going to be using this thread for crits on the work and also hopefully for some help with the software as I go along!
Thanks in advance for any help!! Here is the concept.
Actually, I have a question already! In max when I scale a face in one axis it stops when the face is aligned to that axis. In Maya it seems to just keep going until its scaling the other way and I cant get the face flush with the axis. How would I do this in Maya?
Thanks and I will have something to show soon!
I've been working really slow on it though, so I'm gonna look forward to seeing how yours turns out.
How closely are you gonna follow the concept and are you going to go more stylized or realistic?
Now past that script into your mel bar to edit it
scale -r -p 0.243148cm 1.618771cm -0.562163cm 1 0.921207 1 ;
then change the script:
since I want to scale to 0 in Y at the end of the copyed script you will see 3 numbers with spaces between them in order its x y z ; semicolon ending the mel script replace the y postion with 0 like mine if you want to scale y
the first 3 numbers denote the pivot point positioning so dont change those
scale -r -p 0.243148cm 1.618771cm -0.562163cm 1 0 1 ;
once finished editing it press enter
seems complicated but you can be extreamly accurate doing things like this
other wise I wouldnt worry to much about accuracy since no one is going to pull out a tape measure or level in your scene and go oh wait this surface isnt perfectly flat
In general if things are to perfect in these kinda scenes they end up being boring and sterile
oh well my 2 cents good luck get some work up
thanx respawnrt diregard my suggestion
Here is today's progress sofar. I feel like I'm moving super slowly but I'm definitely getting in to all of the short cuts already. Can anybody spot any major flaws in the blockout? I think I'm going to leave all of the roof slats separate for mudbox and make one shape out of them after sculpting.
Thanks for the maya help awesome polycounters!!!
I would do that, but first duplicate the original object, so that there aren't history problems in the original.
so dupicate the whole thing. Then separate all of it, Duplicate your smaller object, and you can delete what you don't need instead of having to Combine them all again.
also, on the balcony there is a curved section right on the corner.
Updates!! I'm having a bit of trouble with the roof, it seems to curve down and in at the back at the top like the hull of a boat but the back left part seems to be straight. Getting there with the block-out though, and actually quite enjoying Maya sofar.
Your scene looks really good so far from a novices point of view, especially since you only have that one pic to reference from.
Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to ask any more Maya specific questions.:thumbup: