So, I've been making some procBuilding rulesets for work so that we can how useful they are. I've been having some fun with them and just seeing what they can do, but when I bake lighting everything goes to hell.
The light bake is effecting every modular piece separately instead of the building as a whole and I can't figure out as to why. Instead I get stuck with something that looks like lego chunks and is very obvious even with materials applied.
I have checked my normals in Max and I'm using soft egdes with the normals facing out. In UDK I have added a second UV channel and UV unwrap in the static mesh editor for lightmapping. Has anyone else run into this problem or a possible fix that I am overlooking?
my suggestion is to snap your lightmap UVs to a 8x8 grid. Especially for edges of the object. And maybe bump up the resolution.
Also for large flat surfaces like the building in the middle you should use a quad rule. Instead of using lots of small tiling pieces.
Also, I should have said before, in relation to the quad rule on the middle building, that was mainly me testing to see if the same objects tiled would it give the same lightmap error. Usually that building has the same facade script driving it as the other three buildings with porches, windows, etc.
Are you building with preview lighting? Building with Production lighting usually helps a lot.
do you have an example of the same models stacked up on top of each other without the procbuilding?
because it really looks like you've just got bad lightmap UVs or not enough lightmap resolution