I'm having a new founded issue with exporting my model into UDK. I've exported a modular part of a building, collision included, but when I drag it into the level and play test it the building doesn't show up. I've imported a few other things successfully, but all of a sudden nothing wants to load properly. I added a diffuse thinking maybe that was the issue, but it wasn't. I haven't changed any settings or anything. Any ideas?
Also, does UDK not like it when you use Pro Boolean because I subtracted some shapes to get some windows, clean mesh and all in 3ds Max but when you look at it in UDK the wireframe is all messed up.
I haven't been worrying about scaling until the model is done. I plan on using the collision or a column, with the units set to 96, to be my guide at scaling the model up or down. The wall is set to 0, 0, 0 but I think it's cause I'm using Boolean so it's adding the extra cuts. I've been exporting as a .ASE but don't get the option to triangulate so I gave .FBX a shot and it doesn't even show the windows when imported. Instead, I get a flickering effect like the windows are overlapping each other. Since UDK triangulates for me should I even worry about doing it myself? If I add the cuts myself do I just turn off UDK's triangulation?
Oh wow! Thank you for this! I didn't realise you had to do this! I thought it was a glitch and restarted UDK very time! Thank you!