I'm throwing myself out there, hoping for a portfolio critique. I posted this once before, a while back, and got a lot of help. I took some advice, some I didn't, but I appreciated all of it.
My portfolio is here:
It's a little light on content. I'm hoping to add a couple more realtime characters that I'm working on, plus a thumbnail gallery of projects that I didn't want to put 'up front' -- stuff like advertising posters I've done in 3d etc.
And then, finally, I'm going to add click throughs on the images to allow people to see the project details on for each piece, construction shots, concepts, high-polys etc.
At any rate, advice and comments much appreciated.
The general design just feels sort of loud and obnoxious to me. I can see that you were going for a style, sort of minimalist but stylish. I don't think you accomplished that yet though. I'm not a graphic designer so I'm not sure how exactly how to fix that, sorry.
the header is ginormous, and takes up a whole page of wasted space.
no pics have your name of them.
The way you've done your resume is silly, (split up into multiple PNGs). Use text, include a downloadable PDF of DOC as well so employers can maintain a copy.
Put your name on them, like NOAW!
Whoa, didn't realize that was such an important thing. Thanks for the input.
I suppose always imagined that it was a bit ... big headed, of an inexperienced/average artist to do, since although I'm not awful, I'm not particularly good either -- so why should i expect that people will be downloading my work?
But I get chris's point, and it makes sense, perhaps I was overthinking it a bit.
Also, just because your think your work is bad or not good doesn't mean some artist can't see your piece and think "Hey, you know what, if I remixed this with this and that, I could get a new inspiration. Your Hipster girl for example could inspire a new character fan-work for Jet-Set Radio.
Well, thanks Ace. I'll keep working on it and post updates. I'm not sure what I need to change yet, but it's obvious it's not working for people.
Buttons to project details don't work so remove them until you have working pages.
You also say your portfolio consists of personal and professional work, but all I see is personal. Save that header for when you actually have professional work to display.
Remove the chromatic aberration, sure its a nice effect but only when used subtle and appropriately (game is rendered in a style where you would expect such an effect). Recruiter want to see an as honest possible view of your skills so don't hide behind fancy effects like depth of field, bloom or other post effects.
So if I have been payed to do some of the work presented, is that enough, or do I have to have an industry job full time to say it? I also plan on adding some of my non real-time payed work at the bottom, which is another reason I chose that phrasing -- but perhaps that's not enough. I don't want to be seen as a what ... maybe as dishonest? Certainly not my intention.
Your work is good and I think you should scaled down the 'graphic design' emphasis and just let you work step forward and do all the talking.
Also you text alignment makes me cry.
Thanks -- that seems to be the clear overall message here, and what I will do.
I have no idea whats personal and whats professional. so to me they all look like personal projects
If you click on them and then zoom in, you will see what size they would be in a browser window.
You have three links. That's all.