Hey there polycounters! With me having 0 post yet, I guess posting this without coming off as some kind of lame spammer can be quite a challenge, but bear with me. I bring you news from a starting company named Morepolygons, how much more influence from Polycount can you possibly get? :poly142:
For the last few months I've been working with a team of talented dudes to make something you could see as a high-budget title, but done.. indie style. I know some other folks have tried this as well, and we'll try and do better.
We’re working full-time with a concept artist, three 3D modelers, a game designer and a programmer.
I hope this isn't seen as spam or something, but I just would love some feedback on the works presented. It's not much work yet, but we'll update the website weekly. Thanks in advance you guys!
Take a quick peak and be sure to tell us what you think about the initiative:
Quick example of what you can expect on the website:

Maybe simplify it, because I almost closed the page 3 times before deciding it was worth looking at, haha.
Especially those concepts whoever is making them should get a cookie!
Keep up the great work ive bookmarked the website and am awaiting updates :P
@Joopson: We'll try and optimize the loading time of the website. Glad to hear you did however stay because you found the project to be worth looking at. Thanks for tip!
It's actually two updates, the first two thumbnails. Enjoy and be sure to tell us what you think, we're reading all of your comments!
This might be a but dull for artists, but I suggest looking at the video to get an idea of what our lead programmer is working on
Click here for the update!
Thanks for the tip Alberto! We'll keep it in mind, it'll be no problem at all to change the logo if necessary. The toolkit itself isn't commercial in any way, so I think it might be fine. But again thanks for the tip!
Yeah, the logo matches UDK logo pixel perfectly, only difference is the text and it is even done with the same font. I'd change that because it gives a bad impression.
In any case, the work looks good. Thanks for sharing!
Awesome name too. http://www.moddb.com/games/grim-strange-case I led a project by the same name.... we never got as far with our gameplay as you have, but we were dope.
Anyways, keep it up. I love your concept art.
And thank you Doomstagg. Some nice looking art on that project as well, glad to see other people being dope as well
//edit: We did post some static images for your consideration. Let us know what you think.
@Joopson We tried to begin a little slower with this trailer, building up to the action. Hope it helped.
Click here for the update!