Hey lovers!
I'm working on this piece right now. I kinda took a break for a few months but got inspired again and want to go hard and make super rad stuff.
This scene is modeled in Softimage and will be put into UDK later. It's not very modular but I was never really going for that with this scene, maybe my next one

Anyways I will be (attempting) to log my progress in this thread so I can get help from all you wonderful people.

Some pieces are high in the scene while others are low. Little men standing around so I wouldn't mess up the scaling.
There's not much to give advice on or critique but any help will be much appreciated. Thank you ^_^
I did a quick normal map test of a simple asset since getting normals really good is usually a weakness for me.
So here's the low poly (66 tris) in Xnormal viewer.
I'm getting weird dark jaggies on the 90 degree edges of the low poly with the normal on.
And here's the normal map rendered with Softimage ultimapper property. Ignore the awful UV's. It is just a test to see if I could get normals working decently.
I'll read up a bunch of normal articles in the mean time but any help is much appreciated! Thank you
On your window frame there should be what looks like 4 uv islands in the unwrap, each island getting it's own smoothing group.
Let me know if that fixes it.
' Ignore the awful UV's. It is just a test to see if I could get normals working decently.'
SSAO can be great when done properly but it rarely if ever is.
Youre still gonna need splits at the 90 degree edges.
I can't tell you technically why, but separating the uv shells like i had explained will ensure you have a clean normal map bake with no artifacting/no normal map gradients.
*turns and runs*