Just finished this last night, thought I'd post it here:

Head sculpted with DynaMesh
ZBrush sculpted
Eyes created in Maya
Retopo done in Maya, reprojected in ZBrush
Photoshop for texturing
Rendered in Mental Ray with HDRI lighting
misss_fast_skin used for skin
Hair created with FiberMesh
Exported FiberMesh curves to Maya
Hair is paintFx hair
I'll maybe do some more touchups later tonight, it's good to let it sit and come back for a second look. I still want to add a depth of field pass, take the hair and blur it a little, and put in a bokeh lens filter.
Also, a question: What's a nice material to show off the sculpt in ZBrush? Using MatCap Red is a bit boring...
Crits are still welcome!