So me and well the rest of my class are trying to figure out how to do create realistic hair in UDK using DX 11 as shown in The Samaritan [ame=""]Here[/ame]. Now I've tried researching as much as I can, and I can't seem to find anything pertaining to this workflow of using MSAA etc. I've found some other Documentation
Here (Slide 9) where they show a little bit of the material tree, but I don't quite understand what's going down in it. And I've found and downloaded Nvidia's Hair DX 11 Demo [ame=""](here is video)[/ame], but that doesn't help with much of anything except for look pretty. So does anyone have any idea of how to go about making this material or can help explain some of what I've already got? Thanks in advance for the look and help!
The material is then fattening the spline based plane and applying the Alphas Gir mentioned.
It's too much work for what you want honestly, just use standard hairs with Alpha created manually, and have them setup with a Physics materials which (I guess again, through Vertex colors) 'moves' the extremities of the hair.
Also, you most likely need to setup also your own custom shaders for the 'looks' of the hair, which will add to the work. Since I'm not seeing anyything premade.
Max's hair and fur is pretty dry and cut, so that might explain the reason they need such an expensive plugin for something so simple, but which requires grind work.
Most of the good looking geo solutions are a bunch of alpha cards or strips, arranged to create layers and give the impression of volume.
Material solutions vary from just plain old diffuse color and alpha to fibre simulations.
For hair of any real length the highlighting is extremely important to selling it. You can often get away with a fairly standard anisotropic blinn/phong specular model and a nicely done normal map. Don't put too much emphasis on individual strands, but do model the larger flow of the hair into the maps. (if you go that route)
also this:
This outlines the method Martin Mittring and myself came up with for creating the hair in Samaritan. It doesn't cover the shading but I used custom lighting with my own lighting model similar to kajiya-kay.
Just realized you posted this in the first post. The jist was create hair using hair farm. Convert to splines. Loft a very thin polygon along each spline and generate Uvs. Create shader in ue3 that widens the thin polygon perpendicular to the camera.
Couldn't find Marschner hair shading setup ;P
@Vailias, Thanks, But we're trying to figure out the DX11 workflow and how to implement that kind of setup
@JordanW, Wow thanks for the breakdown, you worked on this project? And If I understand, you made a few Hair strands using a plugin. then converted those to their own Line? (i'm just getting confused sorry), and then Loft, okay, now I really start getting confused lol, Make your standard hair texture with alpha etc, and then use the shader that you created in udk (displayed in the pdf?)
I'm sure there's a lot going on would there be anyway you could make a brief tutorial? Just trying to get to the point to where I can do a Demo for class
Wow, wait, go back a second, you found a non-destructive document that showed M's formula? I know that Nalu has some HLSL you can figure out, but even they didn't give all the information such as what was needed in the Alpha of my texture lookups and the paper itself has a few mistakes (not really noticeable, but makes the whole world of difference in some places)!
Mind showing me a link? Unless, ofcourse, you're not allowed to.
I will write up a tutorial for this, but the bangs were made by hand using just planes and looking at photo reference, but the back of the hair was all created using Ornatrix, and converting to billboards (with UV mapping already). You can specify how many divisions along the length, whether they should be flat, or cylinders (and how many sided cylinders). The combing and styling tools are easy to use. The only thing I don't like is that if you change the number of hairs after styling, you lose the style and have to do it again.
Keep in mind I'm not done editing the ornatrix hair, just posting this as a quick example. I have collapsed it to a mesh and am now custom editing it for finer control.
Hope all is well. How does Ornatrix go about converting to billboards? I don't have a copy of it(Ornatrix) at this time, but am using HairFarm for some hair tests right now and I'm trying to find good solutions for converting to billboards. Was wondering if the process you are going through is unique to Ornatrix, or if it's something more generic I can just use with HairFarm.
[ame=""] ornatrix hair demo[/ame]
I managed to get the basic effect down. It's not perfect, but i'm quite proud of it. I think the main thing that lets it down is actually the skin texture, which lacks any painted hair, thus giving the appearance of bald spots.
Also, would it be possible to rig the polygons to Apex Cloth for long hair?