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[UDK] Normandy SR2 Retrofitting facility

polycounter lvl 5
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Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
Hi, I'm a long time lurker and first time poster on these forums.
I currently study video game art production in the Netherlands

I'm working on a small UDK level based on a location we don't get to see in the game Mass Effect 3.

Between Mass Effect 2 and 3 the Normandy SR2 has been retrofitted with new technology and repainted in Aliance Colors. I figure this has been done in a facility on earth close to where the game starts (given it takes Ashley and James about 10 minutes to reach the ship from the commity chamber)
I want to make that facility as it was just before the game starts.

I will be using Alliance and Cerberus environments as the primary inspiration for the architecture. Although some vague concept art for this facility has been released by Bioware, I am not using that as a basis for this project.

For this project I will be using.
-Maya 2012
-Mudbox 2012

What I have so far:
Quick mental ray render of the Normandy (I appologize for the simple physical sun renders)

N7 Valkyrie Assault rifle prop

First UDK test (Normandy is 216 meters/708 feet long)

This is my first serious project with the UDK so I am not as familiar with the engine as I should be for a project this size so any critique's and tips are very welcome in all regards.


  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    Well it is looking good so far. Some more angle would be nice, as well as wires.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    here are some wireframes
    Total polycount is 82756 with some room for optimization.






  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    N7 Valkyrie Wireframes - 9670 polies
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    i think that valkyrie is a bit too high poly. all the little holes that you've got modeled in on the sides can be ditched and left to the normal map.
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    these are your high polys right? all those little extrusions should be normal mapped.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    Actualy I'm going to allow you to come real close to the ship, and since its the centerpiece of the level I am going to chop it into pieces and use the model I posted above. The ship is over 200 meters long and does not move so I felt going a little off the rails with details was warranted. but there will also be normal map details added for the really small things.

    The gun is the first person model which I will trim down depending on what animation I add to it. I'll also use it for normal maps to use on the prop version.

    anyway thats what i was planning so if thats not a good idea please let me know.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    More detail on the Normandy
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I understand the idea behind chopping the Normandy into pieces, that's a good idea. You should still use that higher poly to bake details to multiple lower poly models. 80K Tri's and rising is rather expensive.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I understand the idea behind chopping the Normandy into pieces, that's a good idea. You should still use that higher poly to bake details to multiple lower poly models. 80K Tri's and rising is rather expensive.

    Compared to what?

    It's 200 meters of environment art center-piece. The way it's constructed lends itself very nicely to texturing with a bunch of tiles and a trim sheet.

    He really ought to build out the rest of the environment before he starts optimizing stuff further. He can remove a lot of the top of it if he's only going to be walking around on catwalks below/to the side, etc.

    But just because that number sounds big doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Every detail he's put in there seems very justifiable to me given his scope and the functionality he's looking for.
  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    I would say that it is fine to have it so Hi-poly. It isn't going into production so I don't see a problem with it. It would be more impressive to see it baked low, and look as good as the hi, but you're fine with it now. It is coming along nicely though.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Even in production, it would be fine if you're going to have the player grapple, hook, shoot, and generally all around interact with the ship as a larger part of the level in a game.

    Considering your average level is pushing the upper 100-200 even 500K polies in a scene to make ends meet in todays games (most of Unreal's scenes were averaging 200K per frame) I don't see 80K as being too much.

    Also, baking such a piece, without some heavy amount of tiling here and there, with some pieces being just 'solid' colors in certain areas, and just generally all around sacrifice at only looking at the ship from a distance, I don't see this piece keeping it's current nice looks without having to push between 2K and 4K textures.

    It's all about what you want at this point, you can either do industry standard practices (where you only keep the silhouette of the ship mostly and tile the hell out of it to make it look acceptable in close ups) or you do what you're doing currently (pushing out large chunks, with each chunk heaving it's own material/textures, etc).

    Both are perfectly valid for different reasons.
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    i guess in personal pieces you might as well push it since the game industry will go in that direction anyway... didnt realize you were doing closeups.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    The idea I had for this project was to scrape the absolute bottom of the barrel of what I could do in terms of visual fidelity in the UDK when running on a current high end machine.
    and still keep it playable at a decent frame rate.

    my current machine
    Intel 2600k I7 "sandy bridge"
    16GB ddr3 Ram 1333hz
    Nvidia GTX 570
    Nvidia GTX 560 Ti

    The Normandy model in the game has alot of visual trickery that holds up very poorly when you get close to it. (hence why you dont get close to it ingame)
    And I'm adding alot of detail that isnt in the game model but you can still extrapolate from the textures and normal maps they used.
    overall I can still shave quite a bit of polies from the ship without losing the siloutte and close up detail, and i'll probably do that in the interest of optimization but from what I can tell the most I can take out is between 5k-10k before some parts start to become noticable.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Again, I wouldn't optimize until you have your scene built.

    Even on today's console hardware, 80k in the environment isn't a ballbreaker. Raw triangle count is only a fraction of things that need to be optimized.

    If your goal is to aim for PC specs in UDK, that's even better, since that's going to help you get a job as people are starting to ramp up for next-gen consoles right now.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    First test test with the full model in the UDK. there were a metric ton of importing issue's mostly to do with the smoothing groups. but i managed to get rid of them.


    this image should give you an indication of the scale of the ship

    i'm going to block out the level tommorow
  • Limewax
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    Limewax polycounter lvl 6
    I dont mean to hijack this thread, but I actually have a very similar project that I worked on with a small team of 2 others that was done in the same merit. We were assigned to create a "realistic space" that could potentially fit in to a preexisting game world, but wasn't already in place. We worked on this project back in October 2011, so we ended up creating a transport ship upgrade facility... basically a place where transports could go to gain a laser attachment.

    We have videos of the area posted on my portfolio site. They may be relevant for you with regards to how we handled certain things. Notably, we are only students with limited experiences ourselves (plus we had like 3 other projects we were working on at the time).

    I do believe you can make something better than what we put together, because that Normandy is a really slick piece of work.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    @Limewax - I took the liberty to check out your website, and i cant help but think I've seen it before. did you post it on polycount or some CG related site before? never the less it looks really nice, and any inspiration I can get is much appriciated. Also you guys worked on it with 3 people.
    This project is just me by myself. not to mention I have very little experience with the UDK. so wether or not it will look better than what you made remains to be seen, although i will give it my all.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    Update #5

    Its been a while since I worked on this, I had to deal with some life issue's wich are now fortunatly resolved.

    I have started on the bay on which the cockpit rests.
    I wanted people to get real close to the cockpit and walk around it.
    But most of the dock designs from the games dont allow you to do that, probably to maintain the illusion that the ship is bigger than the ingame model they provided. But since this project is designed around showcasing the Normandy, that isnt an option.




    all images rendered in maya with mental ray.

    Critique canons take aim.
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah I think the poly count is nice too because as some people have hinted the new game engines will eat 80k tris as a light snack.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    Pancakes wrote: »
    Yeah I think the poly count is nice too because as some people have hinted the new game engines will eat 80k tris as a light snack.

    if your talking next gen...from what i know NO, expect hardware tessellation and a load of fancy shader lighting, but NOT hugely different poly budgets, i would stick to near high end current-gen poly budgets.

    and next-gen AA will still be an issue...and those floors will cause poly crawling....use a normal map
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Cryengine can take 80k like it's nothing
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    I probably should have mentioned that for the moment, I will be using high poly geometry in Maya.
    And I will transfer most of this geometry to normal maps where appropriate once I start exporting it all to UDK. Right now the important thing is that i get a general design done for the level and I work faster in Maya.

    The Normandy itself is already 3 seperate pieces. Because UDK cant handle Models higher than 60K but in total it's 77904 polies. and it will probably go down a little bit further soon, because I want to re-do the windows along the hull. I recently saw someone else's interpretation on the ship where those windows were sunk unto the hull instead of sticking out. I liked his solution much better than mine.

    Also what exactly do you mean by poly crawling? I havent heard the term before.

    Expect another update later today.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    Cryengine can take 80k like it's nothing

    just because you can doesnt mean you should and most if not all current-gen engines can throw around 80k tris like its nothing...my point is ALOT of that is wasted, will look better and can be produced faster if textured

    poly crawling is when you get less than 1 pixel thick polygon lines as the viewing angle changes and these are diagonal across the screen the engine will struggle to anti alias (FXAA especially but MSAA will struggle too) and the single pixel thick lines "crawl" along the diagonal as the viewing angle changes. the more of these you have, particularly with parallel lines and acute viewing angle like floors, the more it breaks up the image and reduces quality.

    using texture maps means you get filtering.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    Update #6

    I started to spread the walkways around the ship quite a bit. I still need something believeable to hang them from though, but I also want something like a giant celing crane. So i'll have to get creative with my solution for that one.
    I've been looking at real airplane assembly plants for inspiration and saw a picture of a half built boeing with the tail completly built in with scafolding, hence the second image.



    I'm now looking into a better way to transition between the 45 degree walls and the celing, the transition is a little too abrupt for this style of architecture compared to the games.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    More design yay!


    New main door based on mass effect 1 concept art.

    I've been asked by several people why i havent shown many UDK pics yet.
    Wel I also need to render the scene in maya for a class, so I'm trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
    Also several of these props will need to have their polycounts reduced and normal maps created.
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Nice crazy amount of detail you got there!

    Are you instancing the high poly around for class? That is just an extremely inefficient way of doing it if you were producing it for a game.
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    I agree. It looks insanely high poly. Most of the panel lines where you have extrusions could probably be done with trims that have bevels in the normal map. It does look really nice though :)
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    It is insanely high poly at the moment (1.1 million polies). I'm just instancing everything around to see how it looks, nothing more. The way I see it, i'm going to have to rebuild this entire scene in UDK again anyway so I might aswel go crazy with detail and maya and then reduce everything to normal maps etc later when I have the scene how i want it.

    although if you have a suggestion for a more efficient working method I'm all ears, or eyes :D
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    Redesign for the cockpit alcove wall.


    I'm also changing the walkway floors to be more of a metal grate.
    it'll save a few polygons when everything gets ported to UDK and it looks better IMO.
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    It is insanely high poly at the moment (1.1 million polies). I'm just instancing everything around to see how it looks, nothing more. The way I see it, i'm going to have to rebuild this entire scene in UDK again anyway so I might aswel go crazy with detail and maya and then reduce everything to normal maps etc later when I have the scene how i want it.

    although if you have a suggestion for a more efficient working method I'm all ears, or eyes :D

    Placing and moving around hundreds of tiles and objects and millions of polys in the viewport can be an exhaustive and unnecessary effort. It would be best to block out your scene to get a sense of scale and composition, using assets that are not as dense as your high poly models. I would then recommend creating an object, then baking it to a low poly, then placing that low poly around. That way you won't have to do the work twice and you won't have to deal with placing tons of high poly objects around and battle frame rate / asset management issues.

    Blockout. Make object, bake, place. Make object, bake, place. Etc.

    Just my 2c :]
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    actualy i'm using maya's viewport 2.0 for this and so far everything has been silky smooth framerate wise. default viewport is unusuable though.

    Thanks for the input though. i'll look into it.
  • nick2730
    do you plan on texturing this? going to be interesting to watch
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    nick2730 wrote: »
    do you plan on texturing this? going to be interesting to watch

    yes, the assignment for the unreal part requires at least a partialy textured scene, and the maya render requires only the visible parts to be textured.
    that said i intend to texture everything. most of it is just repeated geometry so it shouldnt be that big of a problem.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5


    And celing struts based on mass effect 3 concept art for Mars.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    i took a week long break to play some games (stupid steam sale)
    so now i'm back to work and here's a new update

    nearly done with the building itself, gonna start texturing either tommorow or the day after.




  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    Hey its been a while and i figured i'd drop a little update:

    I've started assembling everyting in UDK.
    Lighting is still preview quality, and so is the actual light placement.
    No textures yet. (this part of the assignment doesnt require them yet)

    I am still fairly new to UDK so any critique's you might have are more than welcome.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    holy crap, subscribing to this thread. Wow.
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    Fuck this is amazing! The scale you have here is insane!
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    more screenshots.

    I just need to add some lifts and other means to get up to the walkways and do something with that giant empty space underneath the Normandy,
    I'm considering a fuel tank or a series of cranes or mechanical arms there. but i'm open to idea's and critique.

    also the normandy in these pictures is not the final version. it still needs quite a bit more TLC.







    Crits and comments are much appriciated.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Everything looks really good but with all of your props unwrapping to texturing them is going to be a big task. Also getting proper light maps for the everything may be an issue.
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    Most of the props are already unwrapped, and alot already have normal maps, texturing is going to be the big kicker indeed. but right now I just want to get everything layed out so I have something I can walk around in. I know its not exactly a very efficient way of making this thing but it's alot more fun IMO.
  • BrewCrew4Life21
    Your work is outstanding. I just wish you would keep updating it.
  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    Great work , details are insane, this will be epic udk environment
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    unfortunatly circustances have arised that prevent me from doing too much work on this but i do intend to finish it at some point.
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Great job so far. I know this is set during a timeline that is between Mass2 and Mass3, so the tech is more 'new' rather than the 'retro 80's' feel of Mass1... But that being said, there's something about the large pillars you have in your scene that to me, aren't quite feeling like Mass Effect. I haven't been able to quite put my finger on it yet, and that also may change once you get this puppy textured. Overall though, great job! Awesome job on the Normandy. One of my favorite Sci Fi ship designs every created. Throw a Mako in there somewhere, and then you'll fully have me sold!!!
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