Hi guys!
Just like
St4lis and
Jonas-144 I'm currently studying at The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden.
I'm a character animator and I'm currently building my
portfolio, getting it ready for internship application. I would love it if you guys could have a look and give me some feedback.
Critique the animations or just the portfolio layout in general, it's all appreciated!
Hit me

Your presentation needs work. Your portfolio site is ok, but in terms of rendering, when watching animations, turn tables are freaking annoying. show the front and the side view at the same time for walks and runs. even your side stepping.
On your site, the second video, of the dude stabbing the other guy. You show 3 camera angles, but they are so similar, it is pointless. You need to show different camera angles. Front, back, side. Not 3 slightly different angles from the front. Also, if you hold right click on your ground plane, then go down to assign new material, and select "use background", It will look much better. You can change the background colour by going to view in the viewport, select camera, then ctrl+a, then in the options on the right, go down to environment and there is a colour swatch thing there.
Your RTS animations. You have some good ones in there, but some not so good ones. The title cards telling us exactly what the cycle is for are annoying. Your animation should tell the viewer what it's for. If you think you need the titles, put a little "run" in the bottom right of the shot.
Back to your reel though. Your walks need more shoulder and hip rotation. You have next to none (if any at all?). I do like your reload animations though. Not so much the actual firing of the guns. Seems a little stiff to me. But the reloads are good.
Something I was told recently, which I think is great advice is "Animate the character. Not the rig". Right now you`re animating the rigs. You`re missing all that subtle movement that bodies do in most actions. Like, in your walk for instance, your left leg goes forward, but your left hip doesn't. If the left leg is forward, the left hip should be forward and down, and at the same time, the left shoulder should be back and up.
You do have some good stuff, you just need to push it even further, and fix your presentation.
Good luck!
Noted! Thanks for taking your time, really good feedback on everything. I'm going to put it to good use!
I like how game-focused your work is, they are definitely animations that belong in a game. However, they are not necessarily the type of animations that poeple look for in a showreel. An example of a hand idle with a gun in FPS doesn't really show fundamentals of character animation much. Your walk cycles are good to have, but like Slipsius says they do need some work, injecting them with a bit of character.
More impotantly with the walks, pay attention to weight distribution. You have some subtle up and down motion in the hips which is good, but no side-to-side movement. When the legs are parallel to each other during a stride, the hips need to be shifted to the side that the foot is planted at. And the hips' rotation needs to reflect this too. Also, it would benefit with some upper body animation.
Looking at your site, your backstab anim is really nice! the only crit I could give you there is that when the knife is lifted (on the windup pose) the angle of the blade should be pointing at the neck. And when he does go to stab, you could do with adding a pose 3-4 frames after that of him just starting to swing in (anticipation pose). This should give you a better impact of the knife.
Overall, you have some nice examples, and some promising starts. They just need some more polish to get the 'character' part a bit more into your anims.
All the best!
I'm glad you liked the backstab, I'll fix the rotation of the blade before I put it into my reel.
BARDLER: Damn, sorry! I'll look into it!