Beauty Shot :

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Greetings Polycounters,
some months ago, I started a concept art of one of the two characters that we ( me and 4 other guys, including Ganon and Slobade ) will have in our school project, a fighting game.
Here it is ( huge pic, sorry ^^ ) :

And now I started the sculpt, trying to block the proportions :

I never did a good female character before, so I really need halp... As she doesn't have a lot of clothes, the body itself has to be really good. But for now she just looks weird ^^.
Thanks for your help.
I'm not familiar with all the furry-things, I just realized after I did the concept that yes, she looks like a furry ( and you're right Fomori, a lot of furries-lovers like her on DA ^^ ). She was not designed to be a furry, just a hybrid.
I'll try to exagerate some things Saman. For now she looks too human.
Also, I wonder how I will do the hair. We want to use physic, so I think I have to do it like that :
Not important at the moment, I will do this last.
It might be interesting to add a "pouch" to her costume strapped to her belly, but I guess it might mess with the simple tribal aesthetic you've got going.
I assume you've had a look at the kangaroo people in Tank Girl. I think the very large proportions of the ears on those characters works quite well
Jack : I totally agree with what you said, the problem is that I'm not the only one to decide of the look of the character. Each of the five guys working on this project give his mind. I did a pouch on my first concept, but they didn't like it, so I removed it. Same for the legs, we wanted to keep a more "human" feeling ( in fact we wanted to use the same skeleton and rig for other characters, so they had to be "human", but finally we will do two specific characters only. )
And yeah, I really like Tank Girl, it's one of my refs ^^. I'll take a look to the movie 'cause I gave the comic books to a friend ( and I will never see them again... T_T ).
Anyway, here is an update of the sculpt, with the clothes.
Well you sure had me fooled.
Currently, it will look that she will either be 'tip-toeing' or have extremely long feet flat, which wouldn't suit the rest of the design.
Also, do you have a blog?
When I think of a kangaroo I think of an animal which's upper body is rather small compared to it's bottom. The legs are large, strong and muscular as opposed to the arms which are small, thin and don't have the amount of muscles that the legs do. You can apply this to your character by making the legs large and muscular but having the upper body somewhat thinner and not as heavily well-trained. Since it's a female kangaroo this is perfect, you can make her curvy with an hourglass figure without breaking her human forms. I can see that you've already tried to apply this to your character to some extent, her arms are short but that seems to be about it. You should make her arms a little bit thinner, her chest smaller and also make her waist wider with more muscular and wide legs. Other than that I would make the arms longer because it's proportions just look weird right now. Her ears are too large, they resemble a rabbit's more right now and make her tail a bit longer so that it doesn't look like a costume.
These are just my two cents though, she looks pretty good already.
I will correct the length of the arms and the tail.
Ace-Angel : yeah I think she will be 'tip-toeing' ( funny word ^^ ).
No I don't have a blog. I update my Deviant Art sometimes ( ), and I have a student portfolio, which is pretty empty and outdated :
Thanks for the posts, guys.
As we want to do facial animation with our character, I had to adapt her mouth for that. i never did this before so I don't really know how to proceed, but after some attempts I made this :
PS : sorry for the bad shading, need to learn how to use the BPR...
Her muzzle is quite chunky from the side. I wonder whether you might be able to make it look a little more feminine, as well as a bit closer to a real kangaroo if you gave it a little more of a taper. If you used the grey kangaroo as a reference rather than the red that's usually bigger and bulkier all round. I think it'd be worth softening the brow a little.
Other than that, it looks like you've pretty much nailed your concept. Nice work.
Just a thought. She looks cool anyway
Darkleopard : you're right, but as she won't be standing like a real kangaroo, the balance is maybe useless. I tried a longer tail, but it looks weird.
Here is a WIP of the texture, in marmoset. Still some things to add/change :
EDIT : actual tricount : 12 840 tris ( but I have to duplicate the hair meshes )
Textures : 1x 2048 diffuse and normal; 1 x 512 diffuse and normal for the alpha parts
Try taking the green and red channels from your Normal Map, and adding both inverted and non-inverted channels together to make a 'quick' and dirty specular map, just to see if your normal map is popping alright.
Also, if you could slightly 'rub' off some of the dark paint around her eyes (specifically the ones so close to her pupils) so she is more natural looking, right now it feels like paint might fly off in her eyes at any given moment.
Cause right now they just feel like they were painted on in photoshop, while the concept has them faded, and somewhat rough-edged like paint (although I think you could push it further than that)
Any yeah the normal isn't very strong at this point which leaves areas that had sculpted details looking lacking. Not to mention it's hard to tell that there's a back part to her bottom clothing at first because there's not normal/ao to real drive home that there's cloth there. Spec should help that pop more as well.
This first pass was done in 3D Coat using only two brushes, I don't like to start in photoshop, I need to see my 3D model when I paint ( and I think it's impossible to paint these kinds of body paint in photoshop ^^ ).
Thanks for the help guys.
And now... setup and animation in Maya... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !
I will do real beauty shots with maps later.
I went deep in the forum to resurrect this old thread of mine ^^. Finally, I finished this character some weeks ago for school ( a friend ( Ganon ) working on the same project did the animations, but we are not really proud of the game demo we made, so we won't show it ^^ ). I wasn't really happy, so I decided to modify her a little bit for myself.
So, I added the dreadlocks and the Puppet again ( we had to remove them because of the physic not working in the engine ), I changed the texture a little bit and I build a quick scene.
Here is the result, rendered in Marmoset Toolbag :
Specification Sheet with Wireframes and Flats are coming ^^.
Thanks for viewing !