So yeah, its time for me to ask all you good people for some feedback on my portfolio.
Im a student at The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden, and I am looking for internship as a Technical Artist or a 3D Artist during the period august 2012 to april 2013.
There is still some additional content to be added. Id also like to know what you think about the layout, design and functionality of the site.
Be honest and give me your worst!
The only real critique I can offer is pretty nit-picky.
I'd like to see your breakdowns in the slot closer to the beginning if I'm moving left to right. I appreciate the different angle shots, but I'd much prefer to see your uvw/texture breakdowns sooner rather then later.
i added post with some stuff from our space shooter project:
Our deadline for the porfolio is in two weeks, and I will try and get some more work up there before that.
Could you do a little more in depth tutorial on how you did those backgrounds I would love to see how you did those awesome cube maps.
Anyway, nice site.
Thanks! I would never notice that myself, so thats really helpful.
Thanks, it was really fun doing those. Im afraid i wont have time for a deeper tutorial for at least the next two weeks, as we have a lot of heavy deadlines coming up. But ill consider making one later - I love to show and explain all the neat tricks i learn and develop.
And thanks to the rest of you! I feel much more comfortable about the site now, and hope my future employers will enjoy it as much as you did.
I sure will be!
thanks. Thats exactly what I want to convey, so I'm glad that shows.
Hopefully I will get some additional tech stuff up there as well, for example a set of Photoshop actions for structuring the texture work, automatically exporting all maps, converting height->normals at each export and stuff like that.
Outside of the work, your website feels a little loose. Almost like a blog... And this could be personal taste but I wish the work that was related to each other was grouped a little tighter.
Amazing work man.
Thanks. Yeah, to make it trough our school you basically have to produce games and 3D every wake hour of the day for two years.
About the looseness, I must say I agree with you. It looked structured in the beginning, when I only had 3-4 posts, but it has come to look quite chaotic as I've added more content. I've been thinking about making a start page with big horizontal images that links to sub-pages for each post. But then id lose the advantage of having all content available directly at the front page, and you would have to click around more to navigate the site.
Sure! You guys will show up for our Meet And Greet the 16th of April, I'll talk to you then!
You guys have been so nice to me and given me great feedback, so I wondered if you could take a look at this particular piece. Its an actions system for photoshop that Ive developed to speed up texturing and to automate some stuff. Its currently used by 13/20 classmates here at The Game Assembly, and has been greatly appriciated. Id like to know what your think about the presentation and the video and if the message comes across.
Thanks a ton.