#UPDATE# October 18, 2012
Hey guys I recently did a revamp on my website. Tried to make it more appealing and easier to navigate. I would love any feedback that you may have on the website and the work. Let me know guys thanks!
oh, and BE HARSH. Its always the best feedback. ;D
Notes: I understand that not all the portfolio images are the same, I am constantly working on that.
and that I dont have much as far as full environments go, but I'm on it!
Hey guys, I am throwing up my portfolio for review from you guys as I am on the hunt for another job. I was unfortunately one of the Vigil people that got sacked the other day

. But, I will say this, as bad as it ended up it was still an amazing year working there, all the artists there were amazing, and definitely somewhere I would love to return to but for now it will be somewhere else!
I would love any critiques that you may have and/or suggestions! Thanks polycount!. Also side note I am modeling the weapon I designed for the Darksiders MAWC.
Hey guys I recently did a revamp on my website. Tried to make it more appealing and easier to navigate. I would love any feedback that you may have on the website and the work. Let me know guys thanks!
oh, and BE HARSH. Its always the best feedback. ;D
Notes: I understand that not all the portfolio images are the same, I am constantly working on that.
RJBonner: Sorry for the confusion. I will make it a rollover image that will dim out everything I didn't do. The Volcano that the temple is behind I worked on, if that's what you meant by rock all over the place.
Well Bonner, I would agree 8 months does sound like a lot of time, but you also have to take in consideration that we were all still in school, and I was taking 4 other classes. Those classes already ate up 30 hours a week for me alone. Had that be the only thing we worked on, it probably would have been a lot shorter.
Thanks guys for the feedback so far. I really appreciate it.