Hi there, I'v been trying to finish the sculpt for this character for awhile now. I'v been getting lots of feedback from all over and managed to get some useful paint overs from all over such as game artisans and my uni tutor, however all the paint overs I'v had seem to contradict each other so I think I need to gather wider feedback.
I just worry if I make the head any smaller it will go pin headed. Its yet to get its hair planes of course.
The area around the pronator teres is a part I seem to struggle with.
Either way I know I need to really improve my anatomy skills, especially with graduation coming up soon so if anyone has any crits, I would be very grateful.
Ok I did a bit of a rescale and its almost 8 heads now but of course there's a slight dip with the pose. I'm still not happy with the arms, more so now the torso is longer. Maybe it needs wider shoulders? bigger lats at the back?
Stand up and check where you arms fall. The elbow goes to the spot right under your ribs and above the top of the pelvis. The wrist sits about where your crotch does, and your hands go to down about 3/4 a head length past that.
The Torso and Arms feel too short.
7-9 head lengths equates the total height of the character and the hands should be around the nut sack, elbow around the pelvic bone/last rib bone.
Gather as much anatomy reference as you can. I would always refer to anatomy whilst sculpting. Hoped that helped dude.
P.S. It looks like you put his shoes on the wrong feet.
Ok I did a bit of a rescale and its almost 8 heads now but of course there's a slight dip with the pose. I'm still not happy with the arms, more so now the torso is longer. Maybe it needs wider shoulders? bigger lats at the back?