More or less my first post in this nice forum and definitely my first LowPoly character. I was a bit frightened at first to post my amateurish work here along all those great artists...but we all have to start small right

So what this thread be all about you might ask?
I want to get better at modelling and for “starters” at low poly models - so I would really appreciate some advice from you guys

The goal for my little twisted version of Cole McGrath (Infamous) was that he should look like a little sketch I did a week ago. For the Tris limit I set myself to 1500 and currently I am at
1822, so there is still some parts to improve for sure.

Here are some screengrabs from Maya...if someone wants some other views just tell me.

Still not sure if I should model his backpack also - what do you say?
Didn't really think about that one. I found a challenge somewhere once and they had this limit with 1500 tris and so it sounded like a good start to me