Sorry to necro this thread, but I got tired of looking at the texture on this guy, and after several crits on the thing I decided to take a day or two and retexture this guy almost completely (I kept the normal but that's about it)
Would love some crits on the re-paint, there's a few things I still should go back in and fix but as a whole I like this version much much better

So moving on to our next and final project of the semester we have to do a vehicle. We have 5 weeks to do it and a budget of 8-10k tris with 2048 texture maps (diff, nrm, spec)
The specifications are that it has to start with some sort of preexisting vehicle, in this case obviously I've chosen a Jeep, mostly because my girlfriend owns one so I thought it might be fun to trick out her Jeep with something cool. That and since she owns one I can get up close and personal with the reference and take a whole lot pictures myself rather than relying as much on the internet. (haven't had a chance to do that yet so this ref is all google)
Anyway my plan is to take this Jeep and upgrade it for a Vampire Apocalypse ala I Am Legend ( more the book than the Will Smith movie) Ideas so far are
-UV Floodlights, attached to the top and the hood to burn vamps
-Stakes attached to the front (like Gunn's truck in Angel, see ref)
-Cow catcher off a locomotive, helps the Jeep plow through hordes of vamps
-Garlic attached with barbed wire to ward off Vamps that get too close
-Crosses etched in/attached at various point for the same reason (and psychological effect of the vamps, again like I Am Legend)
-Metal plates bolted on to block windows and add structural integrity
-Bigger custom tires for all-terrain driving and rolling over vamp bodies (stick out from the body kind of like a monster truck)
-And of course there will be lots of dirt, blood and damage on this thing
Anyways here's ref and a really really loose concept mostly drawn over top of some ref. I'm looking for some help on making things look less tacked on and more integrated. And just overall more badass.
EDIT Final textures unless anyone has some more crits!
Rendered in Marmoset


You could add grills over the windows, stop you being pulled out.
And maybe add some stuff on the roof, thing syou might need in the apoc. Like in this pic:
i would defintely dirty it up a bit. Maybe look at Rage or Mad Max even for some other vehicle ideas.
@Jakablade: I agree I covered over the back windows completely but you're right the front ones should have some projection too
@ Salacious_Crumb: thanks so much for that ref, I've seen that pic before but I had completely forgotten about it. I agree about grills/bars for the front windows and the possibly the windshield as well to increase safety while allowing you to see out. Stuff on top was a great idea especially if this is the kind of vehicle you'd take from city to city. And good call on the cow catcher, my girlfriend said the same thing when she saw it, it definitely needs to be higher especially since I'm giving it all-terrain tires, where it'd run into lots of rocks and stuff as well that could get in the way
And don't worry things will definitely be extra dirty, lots of blood, mud and peeling paint I just don't feel the need to throw it in the concept since I'm mostly focused on form so I can get down to modeling and I'll iterate on things from there.
Anyways I've:
-Brought up the cow catcher (maybe not quite high enough still)
-Added some bars across the front windows and windshield
-Added hooks/rings attached to the hard-top so the garlic and now bungee cords have a logical place to attach
-Added a bag of stakes and other tools (potentially shovel, pickaxe and maybe some good vamp fighting weapons) A box labeled "food" and some gas cans, to the top of the Jeep. Again makes sense if this is a vehicle you'll be driving long distances
(I'll work more on the size shape and arrangement of these elements more once I move into 3D)
I think I'm going to move onto the block-out since I need that started by Saturday, still taking crits of course and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Once I get some critique I'll start adding control edges and working on the high poly. I'm thinking of using a fair amount of Zbrush for this one for things like the sack and box of supplies and to beat up the Jeep itself a bit at the end.
(also I realized I forgot the garlic cloves and I'll be adding those in as I work)
These are just some quick renders out of max with a skylight so you can see some of the smaller details (like the door frame and the window bars which were getting lost at various angles without the skylight)
Going forward I'll definitely be researching the bits on the underside as well as how the tire on the back actually attaches.
At the moment it looks a tad symmetrical...maybe have a big rig exhaust coming out the rear right side??? totally from left field but it seem neat at the moment
Wasn't sure what tires you were going for but definitely off road tires have to go on this bad boy...GL
@Notes: Thanks for the underside shot, I agree it's probably not worth it to model out the whole underside if I can help it. I'll try adding some things to cover it up for the most part, and they work with the idea too, cause you wouldn't want Vamps getting under your car (without being bashed or staked from the cow catcher) so protection on the sides that happens to hide most of the drive shaft might work well.
and I agree too symmetrical right now, and YES I think a big exhaust pipe is in order! especially since it doesn't have one anywhere yet >.<
And yeah big offroad tires it is, I'll be doing some research into some interesting shapes for them and then try sculpting them out in Zbrush with Radial symmetry
I'll have some image updates either tonight or tomorrow.
the only downside is that unless you have a decent computer I would make the tires in a separate file and import them in after your done...GL
I'll probably use this method to build the tires, the less I have to bounce between Max and Zbrush the better.
I feel like the concept could have been fleshed out a bit better (the cow catcher namely) before you went into modelling but whatever it still looks pretty cool
Perhaps make the outmost stakes point outwards, so they impale vampires more efficiently (I think)?
@Notes: I ended up not going with a big-rig exhaust port because I realized that as much as I wanted to trick this thing out I still want it to fundamentally be a Jeep and I'm not entirely sure how one would reroute the regular Jeep exhaust pipe to a big rig one coming out the side or top of the Jeep. I did give it some big exhaust pipes but I feel like I may have gone a bit too far and it might be a bit cartoony at this point.
I modeled a block out of the diagram you posted of the gear shaft. Once I get a chance this weekend to take reference pics of a real jeep in person I'm going to figure out how much of it and any other bits underneath are necessary if this thing is being view by a first person/3rd person character.
@Candystripes 05, well it's got a cross on the hood. I might add a hood ornament but it seems a tad redundant.
@Kevlar Jens: thanks for the spikes idea it makes them less off-putting and adds the the believability that these stake holders are welded into the cow catcher. As for your comment on fleshing out the cow catcher, what did you have in mind? I moved into 3D early since I had a deadline to meet with the block out, plus I'm more comfortable with 3D but as I think I said in an earlier post I'm quite willing to iterate on the design in 3D at this stage. So any ideas are welcome.
Also I added spikes on the tires from a friends suggestion and widened things out overall (perhaps a bit too wide) since it was initially a bit on the skinny side.
Anyways enough talking here's the renders
Feedback has been great so far
Anyways I've slimmed down the tires as per my teacher's suggestion, which I agree with completely cause when you look at the tire on the back when they were bigger it was pretty ridiculous
So I tried to at least hit everything with basic control edges (except the ropes and stuff on the roof) at the very least but I did get some pieces pretty much finished, as you can probably tell.
I did finally get a hold of the nice ref I've been mentioning and it's already helped a bunch (case in point the hood) and I haven't even spent too much time looking at it yet. I also realized that I completely forgot to add side mirrors o.O those will be on it in the next update.
I may change the rims on the tires as somebody told me that the ones I have now are for racing, and they don't make much sense on this type of vehicle (for the record I do not claim any knowledge of cars in the slightest) Also I'm going to figure out a better placement/shape for the tire spikes to make them more noticeable and useful, suggestions would be great.
Thanks in advance for Feedback and thanks again to those who have posted so far.
Just one mention, the tread on tires looks like it's the wrong way round, usually on tires the tread points in the direction the wheels turn, like this:
Cant wait for it to get some textures!
Make sure you can still turn your wheels and it might be worth investing a few more polys in the objects that are tied down on top to make it look like the ropes are actually biting into the objects a bit.
@Mark Dygert that's a good point, I'll try and add some more room around the front wheels so they have a wider turn radius.
And don't worry the stuff on the roof hasn't been touched yet, I plan on Zbrushing more detail into them,like folds and biting ropes and then the rope details will be the last part I touch.
I've flipped the treads around, and I pulled the front wheels out from the body a bit to hopefully allow a larger turn radius. I've gotten most of the details done I think just a couple more things to do
-Add those side mirrors (I got lost in the details and forgot to add them again, It'll be what I do first tomorrow morning
-Double check for cut lines and little details I've missed on the body (already found one, need some light ribbing on the roof, also should indicate the trunk door in the back...)
-Detail out the stakes, bag and box in Zbrush (weld seams, whittling marks, folds and tension where the ropes meet etc)
-Adjust the ropes around said detailed pieces.
-Might add a license plate, Just cause it'd be fun to think of something to put on there like 0M3GA or something (points if you understand the reference) plus I plan on adding a bunch of snarky bumper stickers (pair of fangs that says "bite me" or one that says "Alpha male, Omega man" etc...) in the texture including the PC symbol
-Do something with the drive shaft, or figure out something to cover it up front and keep ti very simple, as I found looking at a Jeep IRL that there's few, if any, angles from a first person perspective from which you can see the bits underneath.
-Find/figure out a better way to make barbed wire, right now it's just a line with a torus knot at points with some spots and some cones sticking out...
QUESTION: if I plan on mapping the barbed wire to a plane and using alpha maps is it worth it to try and model it out? Or would it be more efficient and potentially better looking to just paint it well in Photoshop and convert a normal from it?
Details like the patterning on the step and bolts and rivet will be done after the bake via some overlayed normal maps.
My plan is to have the low done unwrapped and baked by this saturday
since the last update I've
- Added side mirrors
-Roof ribbing
-Indicated the trunk door
-Done some really quick and simple Zbrush on the bag box and stake (only the central top one, no sense in sculpting them all out when they're going to use the same texture)
-Added a bit more details to the wheel attachments so they have some more weight
-Cross hood ornament to break up the flat surface on the front of the cow catcher
-Extra bars on the front window to absorb more impact from running into vamps
-Added door handles
-Added handles to the gas containers
-Added some stakes and a shovel to the bag for more interest
I've also removed the barbed wire as I've created a tiling Razor wire, with cross shaped razors, texture that I'll be using to make lots of wrapped razor wire all over the car as well as replacing the barbed wire holding up the garlic
Also the multitude of bolts and such will be done using pre-baked normals hence why they're not on the high model
Gonna start unwrapping this thing ASAP but feedback on the low will be implemented if given before the bake
Anyways the Normals still need some clean-up but at least they're nowhere near what they were earlier
I'm trying to get a "clean" base to start with for the most part, working on colors and material definition. After that I'm going to hit this thing will a massive pass of peeling and chipping paint, blood, and mud. Then I'll finish things off by baking out the Razor wire and wrapping it liberally around the Jeep. If I end up with extra time I might attempt to sculpt out a vampire skull to put on the spikes, but that's the absolute last priority.
Lots still to do, crit and comments appreciated
You can also notice some very fine bluish color that appears in the specular as well i guess from various oxidation.
The bare metal has gotten rather dull from my gloss map... thinking I should pump it back up.
The maps are the diffuse, specular, gloss/specular power mask, and Normal respectively.
I'll be doing a better layout before class tomorrow afternoon since this one's a bit clunky, plus I need to get wires and the high on here too
Also if I get crits after the fact I'll still probably implement them over summer to try and really polish this thing up.
Would love some crits on the re-paint, there's a few things I still should go back in and fix but as a whole I like this version much much better
And the new flats (normal is exactly the same, minus the noise from the dirt)