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Nancy's Tavern

...or just a generic medieval house :)
Take a look, almost done with texturing ( only glossiness maps to put eventually).
Crits are always welcome! the polycount is around 4k, textures are 2k by 2k ( on average)
Have in mind it's still not ready. :)


  • Shanthosa
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    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    I can dig it. I'd love to see wires.

    Also, there appears to be some texture stretching on the sides of some of the supports.

    The intersection between the two bottom stone walls is a little awkward, where one stone texture ends and the other begins.

    I feel like the roof could use some work, the walls seem super detailed and really finely detailed. The roof tiles seem a little blurry in comparison.

    I just want to see more shots of it! Get me closer.
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    This is cool! I'd also like to see some bigger shots. And that white is making your textures look really dark/flat - try a different bg color/value?
  • Ovfireandvoid
    Well that's the best I can do for now for the wireframe..im kinda lame with rendering
    wires and stuff :D, anyway, im gonna continue "tomorrow" with the textures.
    Thank u both for the replies!
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Aw :( This image is smaller than the last one haha! Using 3Ds Max? - I can show you the method I use for rendering wireframes if you're interested. Then you can get whatever size renders you want instead of taking a really small screen cap like this. All the different colors is kinda driving my eyes crazy too ahaha.
  • Ovfireandvoid
    I promise HD pics after i get some sleep (yawn) :D
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Sexy! Show us some flats! ;)
  • Ovfireandvoid
    I did it again with screenshots, I will have to learn this wireframe render
    stuff..anyway, its possible to get an idea what's the topology about.
    I'm using v-ray with slight GI on and some lights around. All normal maps ofc, no displacement.
    edit: i saw now some weird shadows here and there, but it's a minor issue. :D
  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    Looking good, especially the wattle/timber wall section. The roof and stone walls are looking very flat though. I don't know if you're planning to optimise later, but right now you've got a tonne of unnecessary geometry.

    Check this out if you haven't already!
  • Ovfireandvoid
    I'll just crank up the normals on the wall and the roof..
    Would you please point out where exactly should I optimize? Thanx for the link and the post!
  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    I don't think that will help. You could give some curvature to the roof, extrude geometry to represent protruding tiles or stones in the wall, etc. On the second image in that link there is some info on this!

    As for optimisation - if an edge doesn't contribute towards silhouette, remove it. Think about how you can terminate loops that don't do anything, by diverting them into existing verts, and so on

    nice name by the way, Behemoth ftw! :)
  • jmt
    You don't need to cut all of this, but if you removed all of the edges I've outlined in red, there wouldn't be much of a difference in the model. I missed some, but hopefully you get the idea. You really don't need so many tiny bevels or edges going across flat geo. You also have some faces with more that 4 edges. Try to avoid those.


    The name reminds me of this. Is there any connection?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp6vqtO57I4"]Alestorm - Nancy The Tavern Wench - YouTube[/ame]
  • Ovfireandvoid
    Benji, thanx for the advices, I changed the geometry of the roof totally. Maybe I had to extrude some stones too on a second thought..JMT, yes, it's from this song! :D I was listening to it several times during the process. I removed quite a lot of polygons and it's down to 3.8 k quads, i dont think i can go much lower though ( and I don't want to :D)
    There are some renders from now, maybe a few retouches will be good, but I am done with modelling and texturing for sure I will fix some weird texture stretches here and there I just noticed. This is a vray render with photometric lights only, no GI.
  • n88tr
    some lanterns hanging on hooks, open windows with shutters and sign would help bring it to life
    right now it just looks like a closed house that was abandoned
  • Ovfireandvoid
    Thanx n88tr, good ideas there.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Some of these normals look very noisy - particularly on the windows. I assume you are generating them from the textures? you may want to custom make a black and white height map of the window frame and panels, and turn that into a normal, then blend it with the photo sourced normals. I'm at work now so don't have time to hunt around of an example, but im sure someone else here will elaborate with an image if I'm not making sense.
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