Well, after 3 years of school, and 3 years of continually working on his portfolio after school, Brandoom (Brandon) got his first industry job! He will be starting as an enviro artist at Gameloft Toronto, tomorrow! Persistence pays off!
huge congratulations to you, buddy! Well deserved!
Dont fuck it up!
And thanks Polycount!
I likely wouldn't have been able to get this job without this great community - I've learned so much since joining its ridiculous.
Oh god, you're right...
Looking at your site you've a good selection of solid work. You've earned it.
Grats man
You worked for it, well done.
thanks for all the kind words!
First day went really well. The studio is super cool. Lots of really talents people to work with. Looking forward to getting a commercial title under my belt!
Thanks again guys
What I will say is appreciate your job while you still have it
Hey I'm still waiting for mine til today! :P
Congrats man, glad to see people are getting jobs.
Congrats dude, totally deserved, enjoy it!