For a while now myself and Vorge have been discussing the idea of a little art Vs, but you see we couldn't bring ourselves to trash talk at each other in any meaningful way....he is just too much of a gentleman for that. I am a scurrilous cad that whould have no qualms about conduct befitting that of a dock workers aunt however but in the spirit of building trans atlantic relations I have curbed my foul tounge. In light of this it has been decided that rather than an art fight we shall be comencing an art dissagreement.
We decided that we would hark back to the roots of polycount and do a Quake re-imagining....any characters from the quake series are permissable...and oddly with this being the birthday of polycount it seems like the right time to start too.
Standard Marquis of Queensbury limitations apply 12,000 tris +/- a bit 2048x2048 maps no biting, eye gouging, or punches to the hair crimes against humaity will be judged on a severity of viral campaign via social networking basis
and heres the reference sheet so far....pretty sporradic at the moment, I'm thinking brown leather and buckles at the moment but not in a steampunk style as such.
^^ all artwork belongs to the respective ( and very talented) artists btw.....
so it begins I guess.....good luck Pat....I'm not sure what we have let ourselves in for
here's progress up to now, mostly just working more on the anatomy and face today, and blocking in the head scars yet, she gets to stay pretty for a little while
now, T'is time a good half ounce of rough shag and a tot of brandy before bed methinks
great start, i think it would be cooler if she was more petite though.
that specific body build seems to be one of defining characteristics of original design.
Looks great. I thought she was sposed to be really tall and skinny until I read the profile again:
"6ft 3 (in Blades).... She moves around on Force skates with glowing blades"
You going to make her some blades/skates then? Perhaps something a bit Tron like? Will you put much cyborg stuff in?
hey everybody.....sorry didn't want to post here till I had something to show, and it's been a milestone week at work....however.....4 day weekend in the U.K.!!
Matt: ta very much
Blastoid: thanks man, I skinnied her down a bit more, but I want to keep the volumes in certian areas like the thighs etc
EiGHT: ta very much.....I like the goggles tbh but I will knock up a pair of the hipster shhades and see what they look like
Skudz: thanks mister
Jessica: thanks, hopefully that Vorge bloke will show up at some point this weekend
Chris: Thanks man, more hips made her look not quite as atheletic as I wanted, but it has been noted for the next one
Makkon: thank you
Mr Ninjutsu: also thank you
salacious: yeah some sort of blades for sure....will they be glowy blue....I'm not sure yet I have kept the cyborg arm, and will be throwing a few extra push rods and supporting bars into her frame here and there I think, I just need to be careful not to go mental with the gribbly bits and come too far away from the femininity I think.
disanski: thanks man, yeah they probably are, I do that quite a lot.....I think its the last proportional throwback to miniatures....I always had to do big hands there and I guess that it has translated across....Ishall get that looked at
Here's where I'm at right now, just sketching in everything that i want or getting some rough masses in so that I can yweak proportions and stuff, going with plasma blades, but the wheels are in there for now just so that I can get a sense of stuff..... leather trousers next, then more buckles etc....and pads and stuff
Go on Seth, routing for ya man I would say the face could use some love just to make her a little more sexy, unless you're going for a more tomboyish look - in that case nothing to crit here, keep going!
Oof! Suckerpunched! Finally had some time to give this a good go ahead. Subject will be Cadaver in something a lot more quake and a loss less day-glow orange jumpsuit.
evening, hehehe myself and Vorge were talking during the week about how this started and work kicked off shortly after not a huge update I'm afraid but I managed to get a few hours in today.
I have mostly working on hardsurface stuff in max and tidying up areas of the concept sketch like the trousers rings and belts and stuff....need to put a big push in this week though cos I really want to get on to building the low poly next weekend....we shall see how that works out....anyway pictures
Keeping an eye on this! Big big Quake 3 fan here ^^
That slash is looking awesome ^^ Though I really like the crazy hair on the original one, and I really like the cloud skates, I think it's what rally defines her.
Thanks a ton for all the positive comments folks....they makes me happy...I am making the most of Pat being in crunch too.....
think of this as a pixel based dick dastardly style diversion tactic...
"look Pat, over there, an unescorted lady who may be harbouring thoughts of one day attaining the vote for her gender...." *SLAP!!.....heheheh to the computer.....damn I am a cad
anyway..... boots in progress and most of the lower half of her body done, still got to sort out the lacing on the trousers amongst other stuff, but once the boots are out of the way I can get on with her top half and a holster and some grenades and match the robo arm to the boot style and....yeah lots of stuff to do
and heres the reference sheet so far....pretty sporradic at the moment, I'm thinking brown leather and buckles at the moment but not in a steampunk style as such.
^^ all artwork belongs to the respective ( and very talented) artists btw.....
so it begins I guess.....good luck Pat....I'm not sure what we have let ourselves in for
here's progress up to now, mostly just working more on the anatomy and face today, and blocking in the head scars yet, she gets to stay pretty for a little while
now, T'is time a good half ounce of rough shag and a tot of brandy before bed methinks
that specific body build seems to be one of defining characteristics of original design.
You should stick with her hipster shades, no goggles.
Anyway, keep a chuggin man.
I subscribed so don't you let me down.
Nice start Seth,
Good start Seth, I'm a sucker for wider hips though! ^^
"6ft 3 (in Blades).... She moves around on Force skates with glowing blades"
You going to make her some blades/skates then? Perhaps something a bit Tron like? Will you put much cyborg stuff in?
Matt: ta very much
Blastoid: thanks man, I skinnied her down a bit more, but I want to keep the volumes in certian areas like the thighs etc
EiGHT: ta very much.....I like the goggles tbh but I will knock up a pair of the hipster shhades and see what they look like
Skudz: thanks mister
Jessica: thanks, hopefully that Vorge bloke will show up at some point this weekend
Chris: Thanks man, more hips made her look not quite as atheletic as I wanted, but it has been noted for the next one
Makkon: thank you
Mr Ninjutsu: also thank you
salacious: yeah some sort of blades for sure....will they be glowy blue....I'm not sure yet I have kept the cyborg arm, and will be throwing a few extra push rods and supporting bars into her frame here and there I think, I just need to be careful not to go mental with the gribbly bits and come too far away from the femininity I think.
disanski: thanks man, yeah they probably are, I do that quite a lot.....I think its the last proportional throwback to miniatures....I always had to do big hands there and I guess that it has translated across....Ishall get that looked at
Here's where I'm at right now, just sketching in everything that i want or getting some rough masses in so that I can yweak proportions and stuff, going with plasma blades, but the wheels are in there for now just so that I can get a sense of stuff..... leather trousers next, then more buckles etc....and pads and stuff
thanks again
Love the roller shoes Looking good
enough for today....I think that I have a pretty clear Idea of where I'm going with this now....well mostly
Vorge wherever you are, you're gettin pounded here man.
Aaaaand tonight's work: Head exploration.
looks ace already Pat...I am a little scared and a little excited at the same time.....
yeah, I wrote that.......
I have mostly working on hardsurface stuff in max and tidying up areas of the concept sketch like the trousers rings and belts and stuff....need to put a big push in this week though cos I really want to get on to building the low poly next weekend....we shall see how that works out....anyway pictures
Ta much for looking and stuff
@KingMango: No, the head is it's own subtool and the hoses are all seperate subtools.
That slash is looking awesome ^^ Though I really like the crazy hair on the original one, and I really like the cloud skates, I think it's what rally defines her.
Keeping an eye on that Cadaver as well ^^
think of this as a pixel based dick dastardly style diversion tactic...
"look Pat, over there, an unescorted lady who may be harbouring thoughts of one day attaining the vote for her gender...." *SLAP!!.....heheheh to the computer.....damn I am a cad
anyway..... boots in progress and most of the lower half of her body done, still got to sort out the lacing on the trousers amongst other stuff, but once the boots are out of the way I can get on with her top half and a holster and some grenades and match the robo arm to the boot style and....yeah lots of stuff to do
just in case those shots arent quite big enough to see from the moon here's higher res-ness:
as always ta much for looking
Awesome work, you guys are both killing it. Can't wait to see it all finished.