Hello everybody!

this is my first ever post in this amazing forum! I am very new to this whole CG stuff and some people(like Racer445) suggested that I should post some of my work on this website to get some feedback.
So this is my first complete model I made from start to finish. I know its very simple compared to the complex stuff I saw on polycount but I guess its a start.

(please ignore the "Remix games". Me and my friends are working on a little fps game


The Low Poly:

The High Poly:

The Maps:

I know this is very simple and probably not the best model you have ever seen but I am here to learn and improve! Thanks a lot

For example the flat area on the front could just be a slant; let the normal map do the work. In the back and the grooves it looks like you have support edges which would serve no function on a low poly. Remove those and instead add more longitudinal segments to define the silhouette, make it look rounder in the low poly. You would probably end up with less triangles and a smoother shape.
Regarding the UV map I think you could gain some wasted UV space if you tilted the whole map, so it is aiming along the diagonal instead.
Thanks alot for your reply and feedback! I agree, now that you mentioned it I see the mistakes(noob mistakes, I know :P )
Thanks again!
again Thanks