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3ds max disable vertex move option

Hey guys,

Ive recently bought myself a new, very sensitive mouse for gaming, and it is having some undesirable side effects when modeling in 3ds max.

Whenever i select a single vertex(with the 'Select and Move' tool), sometimes it will drag that vertex slightly out of place. The change is barely noticable, and if i dont catch the mistake right away, it can come back to bite me on the ass later on down the track because certain vertices dont line up.

Now instead of changing the dpi/sensitivity on my mouse, is there a way to disable this initial vertex selection movement? I like the 'Select and Move' tool, so is it possible to maybe disable this in Options or set a delay between selecting vertices and actually being able to move them?



  • AlexLeighton
    I run into this problem occasionally, the best advice I can give is to use just the select tool (Q key) when you are making a selection, and then switch to select and move (W key) when you are ready to manipulate your selection. As far as I know, you can't set any kind of delay, I might be wrong, but it also seems like then you'll have to wait whenever you want to move something.

    If you use hotkeys my suggestion really won't add any more time switching between the tools, and it will save some headaches. Just watch that you don't press the Q key with the select tool already active, this will cycle through your selection boxes, so you might end up dragging out ovals and such without knowing why it happened. Again, personal experience.
  • biggest_kid
    Ahh yes that should solve my problem, thanks Alex.

    I really should read up on some basic tutorials on 3ds max. I am entirely self taught, and can model some average difficulty hard surface models, and yet still dont use any hot keys or know that much about max in general haha.

    Any other tips for someone who skipped the beginners learning phase of max?

  • Wesley
    Offline / Send Message
    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Go back and go through the beginners learning phase for Max. :poly124: The stuff isn't that long and you can easily just watch a few videos while doing something else/browsing the web.
  • monster
    Offline / Send Message
    monster polycounter
    I have that problem sometimes as well. I just made a habit of drag selecting instead of click selecting.
  • biggest_kid
    Wesley wrote: »
    Go back and go through the beginners learning phase for Max. :poly124: The stuff isn't that long and you can easily just watch a few videos while doing something else/browsing the web.

    Is there any free courses/tutorials you would suggest i do?
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