Just came across this on IGN, seems like all the QA department and quite a few from the marketing and design area have been laid off at Sega America in a final round of cuts

I don't like this sudden influx of bad news, seems like one of us has a new story about it every week now. Well lets just hope these individuals also get back in work soon.
Best of luck to all of them.
It's not all gloom and doom, it's just hard times. Everyone is having them. It just sucks when it's our friends, family, colleagues or selves. Things will get better though.
I hope nobody here was affect by this. Be sure to check out the Relic/Vigil thread for a list of 50+ studios currently hiring
Well it would be very disappointing if more studios don't pop up in the UK now given the new tax breaks. This Chancellor will revoke it if say it doesn't pay off for the economy, just like with the stamp duty holiday.
feel sincerely sorry for people laid off, but I can't really care about sega at all these days.
companies go, companies come, economy cycles aren't stopping.
Although i am with Joshua, we should stay positive to be constructive.