I've been having a problem with my wacom pen all day, it won't stop drawing. Even when I lift it completely off the tablet surface, it still continues to draw with the brush tool. other times it doesn't register me pushing down at all, and sometimes it will work fine but the pressure sensitivity will spike suddenly than return to normal producing an otherwise normal line with several thick dark bumps in it. I don't think it's the tablet because the eraser half of the pen seems to be working just fine. I've tried reinstalling the drivers and changing the nibs, still nothing.
I read on a few places that people with similar problems were told by wacom reps to hold the pen by one of its ends and hit the other end on the palm of their hand a few times. I did this and it seems to have fixed the problem, for now anyway. It's a very real possibility that I dropped the pen one to many times and dammaged something, so hitting it doesn't seem like it's going to make the problem any better.
I've read that gunk can get up inside the crevice inside the nib holding area, is there a way to clean this out? I've also heard that humidity can cause the insides of the pen to not work properly (it was humid in my work area today) is this true?
I've had this one for about 3-4 years so it's probably time to replace, but has anyone else had this problem and can recommend me solutions. I'd rather not have to spend a hundred dollars if I can avoid it.
It's about 6 years old so It's lasted long, I guess. If you know the age of your mouse/tablet then you know when things are pretty much dieing out/need replacement.
Yea dropping the pen is a bad idea, this stuff is super sensitive.