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SteamPunk/Western game idea

polycounter lvl 10
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jhines142 polycounter lvl 10
OK guys I am getting started taking classes in game art and design and I thought up of an idea I'd like to talk about.

The concept is basically a steam-punk/western with a female main character. I have it in my head that you start out as an ordinary female and then something bad happens to you, AKA raped, wrongfully accused, etc. After you go through an emotional or possibly physical change into an all out female bad-ass. Think Wild Wild West meets Sucker Punch. I'm thinking game play similar to God of War but with an open world feel of GTA. Also I'm thinking the visual style to be like Borderlands, along with a similar soundtrack. What do you all think?



  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    I think it sounds cool but rape seems a little intense haha a good cliche rout for turning into a bad ass is having your family/friend killed in front of u then left to die and surviving some how haha. but its your game. Also what aspects of god of war O.o cause its pretty hack and slash and i think steam punk western is usually about the guns more than steam powered swords .. allthough. steam powered chain swords hells yes. sorry for my rant haha so are you planing to make this or just design it and see where it all goes ?
  • jhines142
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    jhines142 polycounter lvl 10
    I would love to get a team together and try to make it. As I said before I'm starting school for Game Art and Design but I've dabbled with environments and 3d modeling. I have also played with the unity and Unreal 3 game engines. I think your right a hack n' slash may not be the best, however some element of mele'/ranged attacks i think would make for a more dynamic game experience.

    I think the idea of a family member getting killed/ your a witness/revenge works best. I was thinking god of war puzzle aspect not so much hack n slash as well as the cutscene like finishing moves on bosses would be interesting.

    Any other thoughts?
  • Vysuki
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    Vysuki polycounter lvl 9
    To be honest, any basic structure of a game can work if its designed and implemented well.

    For example, how about a sci-fi and fantasy mix up with epic scaled wars? Warhammer 40k

    Steampunk under water city with scuba diver who can use magic? Bioshock?

    Living creatures used in the destruction of other living creatures? Angry birds.

    What you need is to find what ever way works for you, to flush out a story or purpose, whats the end goal in the game, then how do you get there, what obstetrical will you face? What tools/skills do you have to overcome these, how do you obtain them?
  • miksewell2008
    Hay hay hay! Im in on this project!!! send me designs and shit and i am game! but rape im not to into! lol
  • Anthricus
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    Anthricus polycounter lvl 5
    i think the rape idea is interesting , perhaps not rape precisely more, abuse from family or exterior member of casst that has caused the protagonist grief, im in for doing some concpets for this style of game if you like it sounds good mate , email me some stuff over if your got any yet?
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