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help me with textures

Sup all!In Blender 2.60 i made the model.My model consist of some parts.Some of them i want to make JUST textured and some i want to make JUST shiny.i combine parts which i want to texture and combine parts which i need tmake shine, so when i make the texture and make shining effect i combined all parts.I go to GUIstudioMDL,ut it doesn't compile my model.No errors,no warnings just "Created command line: bla bla bla".How can i do this?


  • Eric Chadwick
    Not enough information, and your subject line doesn't describe your problem . A better subject would be "Exporting problem from Blender to ..."

    What game are you exporting to? Does it have docs on how to import models? Does the exporter you're using have documentation?
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