So i started this project maybe a month ago , due to classes and what not it has progressed slowly the insperation for this was my desk at home , didn't really have a layout reference but many object pictures to go off of.
the scene is just a persons desk with some materials any one would have but more towards the crafting of paper toys
and this is a little picture progression of where i started to where I've gone
And this is the point that iv come to atm , Im thinking of adding a cork board in the back ground with some notes pinned to it maybe a pencil holder with pencils and pens and a sharpener to the right side of the table in the back to get rid of some of the empty space . Any feedback would be great for this project I'm looking forward to your responses
the most important part for this piece would be lighting, right now it's pretty weak and could definitely need some love
If the little dude has been made from paper, how about some cut off or other paper on the desk.
and also don't know what direction to go in for the lighting hmm
I feel like it's a little 3D feeling still, you might want to push the material definition a bit more to make things feel more distinct and a tad more realistic.
But 'm really liking the composition and I agree you might want to figure out a secondary light source or something, that or darken things up around the light to really push the little guy as the focus.
Regarding your light. It lacks contrast and directionality. You have some kind of light source coming from the lower left quadrant that is almost as bright as the desk light hitting the little paper guy. Your key light (the desk lamp) is not much brighter than the fill light.
Generally the light is very diffuse. I am assuming this is a traditional rendering. I would try lowering the intensity of the fill so most of the surroundings fall into shadow and the light radiates out from the paper guy. If this is not enough you could add some kind of tinted light coming from the side, maybe adding a rim.
Perhaps pushing the orange tint on the key and make the ambient light rather blue to simulate some kind of night scene.
The green wall also has some odd light, it looks very bright but I kind of expect it to be in shadow.
Otherwise I think it could be a cute scene. I really like the paper guy him/herself.