
Don't have much time at work these days to do sculpting so I started working on a sculpt of a bust of one of the concepts for "The Fallen" from the Darksiders 1 art book in my free time.
This is intended to be an ornate bust like you would see above the entrance to a dungeon, so it is more stylized like a statue, rather than organic like a character.

I re-imagined some of the rougher details as well as some of the organic elements to give more of a crafted sculpture look.

Next pass is to touch up some of the areas that are bothering me, primarily the top of the head and the first couple ridges on the horns, and then move onto the damage/material/asymmetry pass. I think I may end up leaving the horns symmetrized in order to maximize the texel density and do most of the asymmetry in the face.
Any crits are welcome.
For the anger of the face, the eyebrows seem to be curving the wrong way. In the concept the brows form a kind of "tick" shape coming round from the middle to an apex just above the eye and then curve upwards until they disapear, yours seem to curve downwards if you get what i mean, even though they're going upwards, the curvature is pathing down.
The nose area also needs to be pushed up a bit, in the concept it gives the effect of a scrunched nose which people and animals get when they snarl or shout which adds to the angry expression.
Looking good so far though
What material are you using? It's really nice.
Stills its Good...
Thanks for the crits guys, I kept a lot of that stuff in mind when I was tweaking.
I did the horn material style in a sort of scarab shell / petrified wood style I've wanted to try since seeing it in a DS2 sculpt. It may not make sense for a statue necessarily, but it was an opportunity to practice defining different types of materials, and I've always thought it was a cool look.
Talbot: The material is MAHmc Dirty Blue 03 with some color tweaks in PS. It's from one of the MAHmc - MatCap Shader Series.
Keep it up.
Great work btw!