So I am currently undertaking a masters course in Video Game Development in the UK. The course is fantastic and has allowed me to progress at a much quicker rate than if I were working on my own at home on side projects. The best thing about this course is that it focuses on industry experience from industry veterans who have worked on AAA titles for some major players in the industry. Their advice is invaluable and is allowing me to grow and learn about the way the industry works in an environment which does not punish me [too much] for making mistakes.
So anyway, basically I am working on a big project which will take me to the end of June, and which will hopefully help me find a job come graduation. Unfortunately I cannot currently show off any of my work which I do at uni. So my tutor has said that he will give us homework to do in 2 week sections, which will help me improve while giving me the opportunity to show my work.
I plan to use this forum as a means of getting feedback from you guys as I do spend a lot of time looking through here and find that there are some really tallented individuals.
If anybody wants to comment on my work, I would be most happy to received any praise/criticism and/or tips and tricks. Afterall you can only learn through making mistakes

Brief: To create a scene within limits based on the theme 'They Landed'. Texture limit is 1 x 2048x2048 [or 4 x 1024x1024], and the technical constraints are 2500 Polys [or 5000 tris] and the scene has to be no bigger than 5m x 5m.
So my idea is to base it on the D-Day landings. The view will be from within one of the German bunkers with a MG in view looking over the beaches. As the beaches would be an image on a plane [because of the scene size restrictions] it will be an image on a plane. Unfortunately I have had difficulty getting a hold of an image from an elevated view, so have decided to go for a view from the same position but looking up slightly so that you can see some planes in the sky.
I would love to spend more time on setting up the scene with an image made by myself, but I do go uni 9-6 everyday of the week, and work at a restaurant on the weekends, which leaves me very little time.
Here are some screenshots I have taken of where I am. Like I said I've not advanced as much as I'd like to, but had a lot of hours at work, next project should be better.
So for my second project I have been given a choice of 3 themes: The Alchemist, The Old Earth, and The Forgotten Realm.
The project must meet the following constraints:
- No more than 5000 polygon/10000 tris
- Must use only three 2048px textures [which can be split into 12 seperate 1024px textures]
- Needs to be rendered from the viewport of chosen 3D software
If anybody has any ideas as to what I should do I would be willing to listen to any ideas as I am still undecided for the moment
Those are some very good ideas, I do quite like the idea of modelling some weird stuff. Yes it does have to be an environment, sorry if I was clear enough on that; but yeah my initial thoughts were to go with the Alchemist.
I was actually thinking that going with an alchemist's room I could possibly even incorporate some elements from the other themes also.