WOW! That was a lot of fun! This community always delivers! So many great entries it's going to be hard to choose just one in each category.
I want to thank Polycount again for hosting this contest!
We are looking over the entries now and will be contacting the finalist over the next day or two to submit their models for judging. We will then post the top 3 in each category on the Darksiders II community
Facebook page. Keep an eye on the Polycount News page to know when to go vote for your favorites!
- BoBo
Congrats guys!
Everything looks really nice tho, it will be tough to come to a decision.
If nothing else, its got me fired up to improve as an artist. Hopefully I actually follow through and really focus on expanding my skill set.
stellar work guys
Good luck!
Looking sharp!
Best of luck to all!
Also when do we get the old banners back
I decided that if I didn't enter, I'd regret it just like that time I ordered salad instead of soup. Looking at all the entries I was right, there's some scary talent. Regardless I made a deal with an individual who didn't enter because he didn't think he could compete with the top artists. Well I entered to show him that you don't know unless you try.
Anyway congrats to all that entered. Bobo's and the concept artists (sorry don't know your name) streams were super useful!
Also I hope people don't mind but I made this picture of all the weapons together. Forgive me if I butchered your work, it was hard to cut out some of the weapons. If you want me to remove it, I will.
Same man, I didn't enter to try and compete with the great artists we have on here. It was more of a "Can I get this done to a decent standard on top of my uni work and under the scrutiny of people that are judging me against professional work?" I'm really glad I did it mainly because it really showed where I need to improve and that I really need to put more though into Symmetry/sharing UV space in the future.
On the whole, SUCCESS!
Also, more Vigil streams!
Thank you Vigil, THQ and polycount for hosting this competition!
Can't wait to see the results!
Haha but jokes aside, there are so many killer entries in every category, I'm just glad that I'm not the one that has to choose between them.
Congrats to everyone who finished it in time!
I missed a few so if you don't see yours in there point it out and I'll add it in.
Also...YES! More Vigil Livestreams! Feed me ur sekrets!
Inspiring work! Really makes me wish I entered.
So many axes
Was very hard to narrow the entries down. Gongrats to all!
Note: Of these 15, 3 from each category will go on to the voting stage.
- BoBo
Good job to the rest of ya, I would have made the same choices except I'd switch one of the maces for the Angelic Fist, the Zeus like Hammer and of course Impala's axe of doom.
edit: Looking at them on a fresh day I have to say one thing...
Polycount "Loser" Weapon Pack DLC - $1
You know you wanna
- BoBo