The face seems like it would look better elongated, might help with 2 things. One make it look more of the DS2 style, and two would elongate your handle. Right now your handle looks like it seems a little to short for a two handed mace.
Thanks for the crit, that helped a lot. I thought I stretched the face enough but apparently not. The handle was the correct length, just a bit to thick.
I did a paint over to give the idea I'm going for. Not for sure on the color yet.
Well, man as I can see you are weaponsmith So many cool weapon designs. But do not forget about armor. Time is running) Great job so far, Keep it up! Ups, sorry, I thought it is your dota 2 entry because of Axe, my fail)
I did a paint over to give the idea I'm going for. Not for sure on the color yet.
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