Hi, I have a large Landscape in my UDK map. After building lighting (medium, high or production, same result) I get a really blotchy shadows on my landscape from static meshes. The landscape self shadowing looks gorgeous.
Even worse, when I move up to the shadow throwing objects, shadows on the landscape pop, sometimes disappearing completely, looking even more crap. It's as if there is some LOD-stuff going on.
Getting fucking tired of UDK and its problems at the moment. The Landscape systems seems far from production ready. Had gigantic problems with mesh import earlier today, I'm seriously considering CryEngine instead.
Pointers and ideas greatly appreciated.
As for the shadow popping, in your dominant dir. light properties (i'm assuming you're using that) go to light component -> cascaded shadow maps -> whole scene dynamic shadow radius. Bump up that value to an appropriate distance. This should get rid of the popping.
Had the exact same problems a while ago, and man where they a headache.