So I decided to do something unstructured this weekend. Just pick something and doodle on it. So it all started with this image that I came across while searching the intertubes:
Love the stylized skulls! Very good "Day of the Dead" vibe there. I got to thinking that it might be neat to do a tiling texture of skulls in that style that might go into some sort of dungeon spelunking game. So I blocked out a tiling wall chunk in Max:
So far so good! Into ZBrush we go...
After applying some TrimDynamic and Orb's Crack brush I had something resemlbing a reasonable sculpt:
Back into Max for initial bakes. I've copied the pieces necessary from side to side and top to bottom to get the tiling to work right:
Looks good so far:
I pulled those into UDK to get an idea of what it looked like and if I was wasting my time or not:
OK, it looks fine chunked onto some BSP slabs so we're good to go.
After working it over in Photoshop for awhile, I arrived at these textures:
Aaaand finally in UDK with lighting rebuilt and everything done:
I've lost track of the number of times I needed to do something and had a thought like, "Oh wait, there was that one tutorial that mentioned there was an option for that. Hang on...", and I can move ahead on what I'm doing rather than getting stuck and frustrated.
For example, I've learned a ton about Photoshop from CtrlPaint ( just watching his weekly videos on drawing. I have a much better grasp on colors and masking and brushes thanks to him.
And the amount I've learned from this site is almost immeasurable.
So, thanks everyone! This site is inspiring and educational and ... it just rocks.
I am experimenting with normal map baking... its not going well lol
good times....
Also fun to see something that doesn't strike you as "conventional" game art for a change
Then, when you bake onto your plane (the white mesh above), everything effectively tiles in the AO and Normal without a problem.
Hope that helps.
I also missed a few opportunities like tilting some of the blocks so they are a little skewed or offset a little in the normal map.
Live and learn!