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How I Spent My Weekend (image heavy)

So I decided to do something unstructured this weekend. Just pick something and doodle on it. So it all started with this image that I came across while searching the intertubes:


Love the stylized skulls! Very good "Day of the Dead" vibe there. I got to thinking that it might be neat to do a tiling texture of skulls in that style that might go into some sort of dungeon spelunking game. So I blocked out a tiling wall chunk in Max:


So far so good! Into ZBrush we go...


After applying some TrimDynamic and Orb's Crack brush I had something resemlbing a reasonable sculpt:


Back into Max for initial bakes. I've copied the pieces necessary from side to side and top to bottom to get the tiling to work right:


Looks good so far:


I pulled those into UDK to get an idea of what it looked like and if I was wasting my time or not:


OK, it looks fine chunked onto some BSP slabs so we're good to go.

After working it over in Photoshop for awhile, I arrived at these textures:


Aaaand finally in UDK with lighting rebuilt and everything done:




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