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Problems with Batch Rendering in maya

Using Maya 2011

I'm using Mental Ray, and under the render settings I have the frame range set from frame 1 to 47.

Then when I go to Batch Render, it starts rendering, gets up to the very start of the 3rd frame then stops.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • Silver105
    file -f -options "v=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Portfolio_revamp/scenes/Dark_warrior.mb";addRecentFile("C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Portfolio_revamp/scenes/Dark_warrior.mb", "mayaBinary");
    requires "Mayatomr" "2011.0m - ";
    # mental ray for Maya 2011
    // Mental ray for Maya: using startup file C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/maya.rayrc.
    # mental ray for Maya: setup
    # mental ray for Maya: initialize
    # mental ray for Maya: using 1 license
    # mental ray for Maya: register extensions
    // mental ray Node Factory: loaded
    # mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
    # mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/maya.rayrc
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/architectural.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/architectural.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/base.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/base.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/contour.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/contour.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/paint.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/paint.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/physics.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/physics.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/production.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/production.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/subsurface.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/subsurface.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/include/surfaceSampler.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Autodesk/Maya2011/mentalray/lib/surfaceSampler.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
    requires "r1globals" "4.0";
    # Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Plug-in, "r1globals.mll", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. #
    // Warning: line 0: Unrecognized node type for node 'R1Globals1'; preserving node information during this session. //
    // Warning: line 0: Unrecognized node type for node 'playerMale_skeleton_only_100_R1Globals1'; preserving node information during this session. //
    // File read in 2 seconds.
    // Warning: Panel size cannot accommodate all requested Heads Up Display elements. //
    // Error: The renderer mentalRay is not registered yet. //
    // Error: setParent: Object 'mentalRayTabLayout' not found. //
    // Error: The renderer mentalRay is not registered yet. //
    // Error: setParent: Object 'commonTabColumn' not found. //
    // Error: setParent: Object 'commonTabColumn' not found. //
    addOneTabToGlobalsWindow("mentalRay", "Common", "createMayaSoftwareCommonGlobalsTab");
    addOneTabToGlobalsWindow("mentalRay", "Passes", "createMayaRenderPassTab");
    addOneTabToGlobalsWindow("mentalRay", "Features", "createMentalRayFeaturesTab");
    addOneTabToGlobalsWindow("mentalRay", "Quality", "createMentalRayQualityTab");
    addOneTabToGlobalsWindow("mentalRay", "Indirect Lighting", "createMentalRayIndirectLightingTab");
    addOneTabToGlobalsWindow("mentalRay", "Options", "createMentalRayOptionsTab");
    // Saving temporary file: C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/Dark_warrior__1912.mb //
    // Rendering with mental ray... //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 0 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 5 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 10 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 15 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 20 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 25 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 30 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 35 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 40 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 45 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 50 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 55 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 60 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 65 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 70 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 75 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 80 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 85 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 90 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 95 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 100 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_1.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 0 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 5 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 10 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 15 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 20 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 25 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 30 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 35 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 40 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 45 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 50 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 55 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 60 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 65 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 70 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 75 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 80 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 85 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 90 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 95 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Percentage of rendering done: 100 (C:/Users/HP Admin/Desktop/Current Project/Test/DW_WalkCycle_2.jpg) //
    // Rendering Completed. See mayaRenderLog.txt for information. //
    // Warning: (Mayatomr.Scene) : output data type "rgba" not directly supported by image format jpg, conversion performed by mental ray //
    currentTime 1 ;
  • Barbarian
    Offline / Send Message
    Barbarian polycounter lvl 13
    The last time I ran into problems with a MR batch render, it was system resources and memory that were the culprit. I took the same file to a different machine with more memory and it worked fine (i.e. didn't stop after x frames). You might try rendering from the Windows command line (no need to have Maya running once you have set everything up). You do have to have an environment variable set to the Maya location first (there are online instructions for doing so).
  • Silver105
    I seem to be getting these errors quite a bit

    1. Maya can't find a plug-in called, "r1globals.mll" not sure where the heck i can find that.

    2. Fatal Error. Attempting to save in C:/Users/HPADMI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/HP Admin.20120410.0353.ma
    // Maya exited with status 1 I don't get this notice a lot most of the time it just quits rendering saying this

    DB 0.0 // Maya exited with status 1

    Also something to note, I am able to pick up after the previously rendered frame and continue rendering but mostly with limited success of 2 or 3 frames.
  • Silver105

    I tried several things and made many attempts to fix this issue.

    In the end the only thing that worked was installing a clean version of maya.

    So uninstall re-install or get the next version.
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