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Pre-fab vs Original 3d creation methods?

polycounter lvl 10
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melviso polycounter lvl 10
I was checking DA out and found this discussion.There seems to be two groups of people who feel differently on how 3d art should be categorised especially with how the art was made.

Pre-fab Art:Artists that use apps like Poser,DAz that contain already created stock models which can be altered to the artist's desires.One can also say ZBrush is pre fabricated art if one uses the default model,and alters it to create something.

Original 3d art:These are 3d works created solely from scratch with traditional modeling in apps like 3dmax,Maya,softimage e.t.c.The rule has to be everything was created by u,probably from scratch,including textures...I think.

Now,the original 3d artists feels there should be a seperate category for their art in DA to distinguish their works from those done by prefab artist.I know its kinda unsettling especially when u work hard on something to create it from scratch as u have to learn stuff like topology,skinning,painting weights all the hardcore stuff and someone just uses Poser and in 1 or 2 hours,already has a finished piece.
For me,3d is like a destination,its up to u to decide how u get there.What matters is how good the work looks.
You can read more about the debate here:

I decided to post this on the the technical forum cause this has to do with the different/technical workflows used to create 3d art.Would love to see what others have to say here.With this debate,would one say using UDK features like trees,and water effects is prefab art?As for me,whatever enables u to work faster in your project,use it.It doesn't really matter if its prefab/original.


  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Either it's your own art or it's not.

    I could for example built up my own library of my own "prefabs" and it would be a fully valid and effective technique if the end result is good enough.

    If I were to rely on a third party library of sub-par artwork it wouldn't be my own and it wouldn't be good.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Can't believe that discussion is still going on on DA, I remember there was already lots of whining about this when I used DA something like 8 years ago or so.

    In the end it's not really important, either you're an amateur and you just want to make pretty images, in which case people should do whatever they want and is most satisfying to them artistically (as long as it's legal), or you want to go pro, and you'll need to know how to do things from scratch for most jobs anyways.

    People on DA spend too much time worrying about exposure and "fame" (which isn't so surprising considering the whole site is built around this aspect), they should be doing more art instead of rehashing these old topics.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    melviso wrote: »
    One can also say ZBrush is pre fabricated art if one uses the default model,and alters it to create something.

    Well that depends on the amount of alteration, If you just add two wrinkles to the face and say it's yours then yeah that wouldn't be considered your art . But if you essentially use it as a base to sculpt on and really adjust it to the point where the original base isn't noticeable anymore then imo it's the same as if you'd start it from a sphere.

    Prefab 3d art is usually very noticeable. People who use prefab lack the proper artistic knowledge most of the time to even make those prefab models work in a composition.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Who cares about DeviantArt anyway. Over the years I've seen it slide more and more towards a sad excuse of a creative art website. I honestly found it depressing to look at when i browsed the "recently popular" selection a few days ago. Like Bal says, it's mostly just for teenagers that care about internet-fame, exposure and getting told by each other how awesome they are.
  • Rabbid_Cheeze
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    Prefab models, other then ones you create yourself, can be useful tools to learn from. But no way in hell should they be used for anything you sell to clients. Make your own prefabs if you want to use them in actual production.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    It is DA you know, the site where you can sell prints you don't have rights to, where Popular 'allowed' images included naked ladies, but Lord forbid you see a penis, anti-religious pictures, no matter how badly drawn are considered 'works of truth and art" and where out of maybe a couple hundred artists out of the MILLIONS have any actual skill or improved.

    Also, don't forget the amount of 'drama' when an artist who has a commission to hand in, falls sick and asks for a couple of days of delay, only then to have an entire stigma attached to them of "Don't trust this person, they rip you off!"
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    why is this discussion here, leave it to DA to argue and troll.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I know its kinda unsettling especially when u work hard on something to create it from scratch as u have to learn stuff like topology,skinning,painting weights all the hardcore stuff and someone just uses Poser and in 1 or 2 hours,already has a finished piece.

    That's not why people want the galleries separated in the first place. Just go take a look the 3D gallery as it currently is. If you want to find new 3d modelers, animators, high-res sculpts, or neatly done wireframes for inspiration... you'll have to wade through an average of 3-4 pages filled with poser/XNA-porn first (which usually consists of several images of the same model from slightly different angles, featuring either super-inflated breasts or giant amazon women in some sort of bdsm setting), some posing around of Mass Effect rips, and the occasional anaglyph photograph for good measure because its technically 3d. It becomes surprisingly noticeable in comparison when you do finally come across a thumbnail of someone who isn't using those tools.

    I don't see the point of the discussion and uproar from the pre-fab users as the whole thing is not about what constitutes 3D art, or your personal interpretations of what 3d means. It's just about adding subcategories. They exist to make finding things easier, and to make 3d a little less of a vague blanket word (compare it to 2D which is broken into a lot more categories depending on the tools and methods used, instead of just 6 subcategories that focus only on the general subject). It doesn't imply that they're putting good art here & bad/non art over there any more than separating pencils from paints and photographs implies superiority in any of those mediums. It just helps people find what they're looking for faster.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    Well..as for me,my works have been way off,never paid attention to anatomy till now.I kinda feel now there should be a category for originality though.At least,its not fair as most of the popular works are always the DAZ/POSER arts especially the sexual ones on DA.
    DA is kinda cool..people use it for different reasons.Its also a place u can met people who are really good,check out their works,ask them questions and improve on your own work.

    Same way I had a debate with a friend about mocap animation and animation by hand.I feel a work done with mocap or involves the use of mocap can't be termed as original animation because its not your work from scratch.Some people feel its cheating if ur work involves the use of mocap or rotoscoping and u say u animated it.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @melviso though to be realistic is DA even ok for getting crits i would say no, i remember have a DA account back 7 years ago when iwas in high school, and throwing up some pretty shitty stuff, and everyone just says good job and gives no crits what so ever.

    so more of a spot for false praise, and rip-offs.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    I would admit I have learnt so much within the short time I have been here than the long time I have been on DA.
    So da isn't all that good for crits but u have to develop a metal coated helmet to take the punches huled by criticisms both honest and destructive from some of these other forums but the truth is at best,if u are open minded,ur work improves a lot from those punches.
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