Is her solid metal skirt/buttpanel thing in the back curving to the contour of her butt, or is that perspective thing? I know this might just be the pose causing it, but for some reason it jumped out at me more than it would if it happened in-game.
Other than that two things stick out at me, I'd lower her eyes and brow, at the moment her eyes are about where I'd expect her brow to be and it's making the face look off. Additionally, again this might be a weird perspective thing, but the part of her armor going over her stomach looks strange for some reason, oddly concave for a woman of her size I want to say...but not sure.
That said it is a breath of fresh air to see a "plus sized" character. Wouldn't mind seeing a non-posed straight on & side view.
I also think its cool to have a "plus sized" character. It's definitely unique, and certainly a nice break from the norm of overly sexualized and unrealistically attractive characters we get here. This is definitely beautiful, yet still grounded in reality.
However, something feels a little off to me. It feels like the armor is a bit too big, as if it has a ton of padding and that she isn't really "big" herself, but rather the armor is just bulky. I would make her shoulders a bit broader and give her more muscle mass on her arms.
I think the face needs a little work as well. Two Listen's comments were good. I'm curious what reference you are using for the face. It might be worth it to build a base mesh over an actual person's face to get a more anatomically correct look. Anatomy isn't my thing, but it just definitely is lacking that extra "umph" it needs. Sorry, I know that's vague, but hopefully it helps you in some way or another.
Either way, I'm really anxious to see how this turns out!
When I did the head there were a number of minor things I'd figured to tweak. I wouldn't call your head "wrong", it wasn't typical but we've all seen people with weird faces or similarly proportioned features. That being said, our job as artists isn't to make things real it's to make people believe that they could be. To deliver them an idea, and sometimes that means making things look a little closer to an accepted norm. I lowered the brow/eyes, thought the distance between the nose and mouth was a bit long so I changed that a little too. Additionally changed the angle of the eyes, yours with the inner corner pointing up made her look was a little strange so I reversed it. Once I'd done that, I thought that the remaining top portion of her head looked pretty huge, so I brought it down a bit. Part of it had to do with the way her hair is parted, makes her head already appear "longer", narrower at the top (I think, I could be full of shit), so I brought the top part down a bit to compensate. Also the neck was reading as a bit too long to me, so I just brought it all down a tad. Other tiny tweaks on the cheeks/jawline were just to match what felt right, what I could remember of some plus sized women I've encountered.
The 8 heads tall thing is a pretty good way to judge proportions, but it's not all encompassing. I think usually the accepted is "7 & 1/2" heads tall, and most of the time I've seen that on regular male diagrams. There's always a little wiggle room.
The top of the arms I thickened because typically women with some weight on them get weight at the tops of the arms not the forearms, forearms are usually one of the last places to get weight. So I thickened up the upper half, thought it looked appropriate and made her look a bit more capable to be carrying around armor and such.
The hands I thought looked a bit too thin and dainty for someone of her size and profession(?), so I slightly beefed them up a bit as well.
I considered mentioning what gir mentioned, there's no way she could walk in that skirt. I didn't mention it because I've seen designs like that in some online MMOs and because I was falling asleep. Breaking the skirt up into segments would help a great deal to let the poor girl run. :thumbup:
i don't think you should be too hard on yourself. sometimes after having stared at your own work for too long, you need a fresh set of eyes to pick up on areas that might need improvement..
edit: and i agree, it's refreshing to see some hips with a little curve. "dat ass". ;-)
Other than that two things stick out at me, I'd lower her eyes and brow, at the moment her eyes are about where I'd expect her brow to be and it's making the face look off. Additionally, again this might be a weird perspective thing, but the part of her armor going over her stomach looks strange for some reason, oddly concave for a woman of her size I want to say...but not sure.
That said it is a breath of fresh air to see a "plus sized" character. Wouldn't mind seeing a non-posed straight on & side view.
However, something feels a little off to me. It feels like the armor is a bit too big, as if it has a ton of padding and that she isn't really "big" herself, but rather the armor is just bulky. I would make her shoulders a bit broader and give her more muscle mass on her arms.
I think the face needs a little work as well. Two Listen's comments were good. I'm curious what reference you are using for the face. It might be worth it to build a base mesh over an actual person's face to get a more anatomically correct look. Anatomy isn't my thing, but it just definitely is lacking that extra "umph" it needs. Sorry, I know that's vague, but hopefully it helps you in some way or another.
Either way, I'm really anxious to see how this turns out!
The 8 heads tall thing is a pretty good way to judge proportions, but it's not all encompassing. I think usually the accepted is "7 & 1/2" heads tall, and most of the time I've seen that on regular male diagrams. There's always a little wiggle room.
The top of the arms I thickened because typically women with some weight on them get weight at the tops of the arms not the forearms, forearms are usually one of the last places to get weight. So I thickened up the upper half, thought it looked appropriate and made her look a bit more capable to be carrying around armor and such.
The hands I thought looked a bit too thin and dainty for someone of her size and profession(?), so I slightly beefed them up a bit as well.
I considered mentioning what gir mentioned, there's no way she could walk in that skirt. I didn't mention it because I've seen designs like that in some online MMOs and because I was falling asleep.
edit: and i agree, it's refreshing to see some hips with a little curve. "dat ass". ;-)