Looks cool! Not really "Nooby" hehe.
Could maybe use some more work on the color map though, if that's not a part of the style your going for.
I'd like to see more :>
hehe thanks ^^ and yeah it's the style hehe, simple cartoon :P
this is another character model for the same game we are making
and this is my first try on doing a torso on Zbrush
it's also the second time I used this program which makes me a bit proud hehe even tho it's still too simple .
I'll be trying to make heads now which I think I'll fail epicly but that's the good thing isn't it xD keep going and keep training
here is a render with a different material to show the details better
Could maybe use some more work on the color map though, if that's not a part of the style your going for.
I'd like to see more :>
this is another character model for the same game we are making
and this is my first try on doing a torso on Zbrush
it's also the second time I used this program which makes me a bit proud hehe even tho it's still too simple
I'll be trying to make heads now which I think I'll fail epicly but that's the good thing isn't it xD keep going and keep training
here is a render with a different material to show the details better
this was my first attempt doing a head on zbrush