This was a collaborative art project to help my students learn modular texturing and model creation. The entire project used 3 tiling textures and 3 normal maps. It took about 5 weeks to do ( meeting once a week for 4 hours ) It was done in UDK.
[ame=""]Mass Effect Inspired Modular Environment - YouTube[/ame]
I really enjoyed teaching the class and showing the techniques. I feel it went better than most of the other classes I teach just because I centered it around recreating a concept as a team. So much so that I am thinking about teaching an online class using this method:) Good idea?
Wish you'd push the lighting a little bit more in the forge-type area (some emissive lights on walls and floors etc etc) but really really nice work
Yah....that area lighting got kind of rushed at the last moment of class:) If we had more time I would love to hit it up more.
I felt that the robots were out of place. They didn't fit the aesthetic of Mass Effect. I felt that the second robot looked like it was based off of the robots from Portal 2.