tsup everyone, just joined polycount!
and i got this idea from Stromberg's Gameart book.
just to put all my work in one thread instead of letting my stuff being scattered all over the place

feel free to comment and give me crits!
much appreciated ^^
finished work:

here is an animation of this char:
made with 3DsMax/ Zbrush4R2/ Roadkill/ Xnormal/ Photoshop cs5
tris: 14626
tex 2k
realtime with my ex-teachers xoliul shader in 3dsMax
i took the viewportGrabs with a script of a co-student (Ravenslayer here on the forum)
so all props to him for the renders:

this is my concept:
finished the Sculpt:
and currently retopping ^^
decided i'd put not only characters but also other projects i'm working on.
Critics are more then welcome!
thx mate!
much apreciated :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
You got some really good things here, nice rendering on that motorcycle
here's a render of the high poly model for my arenanet internship entry.
so far so good ^^
so here is the result!
Also took some new renders of my glower and danny to present on my site