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Aprilia rsa250

polycounter lvl 9
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Drav polycounter lvl 9



Here is what Im up to at the moment. Pretty wip at present, rubbish blueprints so going mainly off photos, which equates to lots of squashing, stretching and fiddling about.

Rough process has been, get all the shapes blocked in, and now I am working on the easy parts to work out proportions, and build up some of the bike to better judge the harder parts to guess, like the main fairing, which looks too wide at the mo.

Anyway, lots of complicated hard surface fun!!


  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    :O i really like the rendering of that

    looking forward for more! :o
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Drav wrote: »

    Love seeing this piece when anyone posts a bike. It makes me want to make a kit bashing batch of these complex hard surface machinery bits because they look so awesome.
  • Parralax
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    Parralax polycounter lvl 4
    What program did you use to render that in? The lighting looks amazing.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
  • eY3lEs5
    Amazing so far, can't wait to see more, especially dat tread :cool:
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Do you ride this bike in real life? ^^
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys!

    Love seeing this piece when anyone posts a bike. It makes me want to make a kit bashing batch of these complex hard surface machinery bits because they look so awesome.

    Ha, ye me too. Its probably the most complicated piece to model on pretty much every sportbike. I sometimes think the engineers sit there near the end of the design process and go, 'so, it works, now how do we make it reeeally awkward to sub-D model.....'

    Parralax, this is lit in Vray for now. Its going to be a game res model, but setting up the materials and a basic render setup in Vray actually helps me with working out whether things look right.

    Actually thats a lie, I just like making pretty pictures, but it doesent take much longer than a big scanline, and Vray is something Ive always meant to get good at.

    Kodde, I unfortunately do not ride this bike. Unfortunately I do ride a 1996 Honda CG125 that looks like it has been ridden over a landmine. Its way cooler than the Aprilia anyway

    Anyway, onwards, Ill post some more pics when I have some more completed, and perhaps some techniques if anyone is interested.

    You see those unconnected edge loops on the wireframe? I like to sketch out edgeloops to see if something is going to crease properly, so I dont worry if the edgeloop doesent go right round the model, as long as it is capable of doing so later. I often get to a part where I cant vsualise how the edgeloops should go, but once you stick some loops down, everything becomes much clearer. Those unfinished loops are my initial guesses. My tip is, link them up before you post pics on polycount, or you look like a no(o)b :P
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Drav> Fortunately you are riding a bike at all to begin with. I think a genuine interest in motorbikes and first hand experience will make you nail the details better. Even better if you have the perfect reference in your own garage.
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9

    Sooo, back to this. Working on the fairing at the mo trying to get the shapes right. Pretty much there I think, but will probably take another look tomorrow with fresh eyes. This is about it for the high poly, as most of the rest of the parts is a waste of time doing in subD, as they are too small to notice ingame. I might add the footpegs and gubbins to finish the high for a decent booty shot....ahhh, and grips, need to add some nice grip detail....

    So this is a messabout in Vray, Id like a little bit more light across the rear swingarm, and maybe some gleam off the plastics, but other than that im pretty happy with the lighting. Better finish it off! Then it the long boring trudge to make it game ready. I cant wait till we can just work in a single level of sub-D then export!
  • Ravanna
    if sexing a motorbike is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

    Beautiful HP work :)
  • SA_22
    looks sick!!.. nice job on the super sic paint!! :D
    you just making it game ready or for an actual game?.. not enough bike games!, wheres my forza bike motorsport already?!?!!?
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Wow looking sweet Drav!

    A few nitpicks.

    The 58-decal and "rifle" text at the front looks blurred/stretched/low-res compared to rest of texture work.

    The white reflections(?) look a bit too sharp. There's no real subtle reflections, only these really intense white ones.

    The tires could have a more worn look, or at least a bit differing. Not referring to treads.

    The grip, handlebar end, handlebar-instrument housing and that areas looks very monotone black. Even if they're all black I'd brake it up with a slight differing variation of black, and definitely different materials.

    There's a small visible texture seam on the seat.

    Keep going :)
  • RD75
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    RD75 polycounter lvl 8
    I think it looks really good! not sure if you had this in mind already but I would suggest adding some kind of tread on the tire and the handle bar grips
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