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[Portfolio] - David Zaballero - Environment Artist

Hey everyone,

So I recently updated the look of my website as well adding some new work.

Take a look and let me know what you think.


There's still more to be added of course. I'm thinking of starting on something more stylized fantasy, as I've been focusing alot on realistic stuff. Something in a Fable sort of style comes to mind.


  • Savannakhet
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    Savannakhet polycounter lvl 11
    I think the normal maps on this piece are a bit 'busy' for my taste: http://davidzaballero.weebly.com/ppc.html I quite like the Graffiti tags though.

    I like the street scene, it's pretty colourful, but I would definitely omit this particular image from the Portfolio because it looks very bland - the top part of the image is a repetitive brick texture and the bottom half is a bland tarmac texture


    Try to only have renders that emphasise the interesting shop fronts and not the boring-ass tiling brick texture, That should only be seen only in the background imo.

    Now with this image, I reckon the problem is the pavement. http://davidzaballero.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/1/8/11182297/dtes_2.jpg

    y'see, it looks to me like a fairly deprived neighbourhood, and this is reflected in the general grime of the shop fronts, but the pavement is pristine. It should be dirty, torn up. There should be slabs missing. There should be strips of tarmac where the Cable TV company has dug it up to lay down some cable, but then re-filled it in a half-arsed way (That might just be Cable & Wireless in England though)

    I want to see some litter too, nothing too extravagant, but a few coke cans wont go amiss.

    Now when I look at this image the two things in the upper/centre of the page that look rubbish are:

    Above the Ministry of Propaganda shop: There's a large area of grey brick; it's a bit repetitive Yeah? I'd put a billboard or a large piece of graffiti there (not just tags, but something eye catching).

    The other thing are the windows above the MoP and the Pamir Food Market. Why are they grey? (rhetorical question.) put a transparent texture and put something behind them, even if it's just Blinds or Cutains, just not grey :)

    I'd say that the lighting in that scene is a wee bit flat, but then I know sod-all about lighting, so I'm the wrong person to ask for advice.

    Overall the street scene is ok, but it could be really awesome, it just needs a bit of tweeking :)
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    -your guns have scratches at places that would probably have a low chance of getting damaged in teh Real Life.
    -P90 has lots of almost identical looking islands on uvw, i think they could have been mirrored?
    -grip of HK is a bit bulky, does it actually look like this?
    -car looks nice, it could use more reflectivity though. tires look pretty bland, i'm sure they look more shiny in real life. they also have weird dark edges.

    did you use some specific template to achieve this look of the website? it's very clean and simple.
  • DZab
    Thanks for the feedback guys! I will definitely take those points into consideration. I guess where I'm coming up short is mainly on the texturing/lighting and level of details?

    The website was made using weebly. I tried to make it as simple to use as possible and be able to show off my art really well. I had an old template site I was using that I think wasn't working as well. Take a look and compare:
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    yeah, it definitely looks better. i gotta try out that weebly thing.

    perhaps thumbnails are slightly too big now, and you might want to use less close up so that models appear whole on them rather than being cut.
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