Hi All
Its been a long time since I posted on a forum but I have been looking around polycount and you guys have a really active community offering great crits and advice on projects and producing some really stunning work so what the hell ill stop hiding and post some of what Im working on.
A Vespa apocalypse
This is a doodle that got out of hand and turned into a project, I started with the head and when I had finished it it kind of reminded me of the sky captain out of mad max two, so with an apocalypse in mind I came up with this, its still got a bit of max work left to do I need to finish the googles and I would like to pile some stuff on the back of the bike but I have started to flag on it and spend more time with my other projects but ill get back onto it soon I think its having to skin it all properly thats putting me off, I hate skinning

the other project is this army chick, im trying to decide weather she needs something like a huge chain gun of jet pack to kind of give the model a central prop but I am having trouble deciding on what it should be or weather I need it at all I really should have spent some time on a concept but agin it was a bit of a doodle, I spend all my work days following concepts and its nice to just sit down with a soundtrack and model without having to think, its kind of my meditation.
Anyway any advice or crits are very welcome.
timbosart.blogspot.com is my blog if any one is interested.
textures are what could use most improvement. materials don't look very defined, especially their specularity.
the vespa guy also looks a bit clean, he has few stains but clothes seem really fresh anyway. leather elements could use some edge wear.
So ive updated my character with a backpack and shotgun I'm still just placing all the sub tools and then ill add the finer detail.
Ive also been working on the hair and now i have the the sections placed ill work on the overall shape