I was asked back in December if I was interested in some freelance on a sci fi project with Autodesk by the wonderful Jason Lavoie.
He had me at Jason Lavoie: Hey asshole I've got this project...
So I got on board and worked with Jason Taylor owner of Little Zoo Studio to help model and texture a few assets for Autodesks project for GDC. A couple other fellow Polycounters were part of the project and are more than welcome to join in my thread and show up their art. It was a fun project for sure.
Hyperspace Madness was a project Autodesk put together to show off all their different game software packages. Instead of individual displays for max, maya, beast, etc they had the crazy idea of making a full on game utilizing their software and the awesome tools in UDK.
The results were quite awesome and if anyone saw it at GDC would like to know what you thought. I am hoping Autodesk will release it to the public to play around with.
So here is the art.
The first piece I did was the main character Svens' weapon. Dubbed "THE MEGAGUN"

The next piece I did was this huge portal object that is in the background of the level and can be seen from just about anywhere. This thing is huge.

I have another piece I did that I need to get nicer renders of but until then here is some shots of the game.

Minion's Armor
This first guy was the bad guys Sven faced through the demo levels, I had the awesome opportunity to work on the body of the Minion, while another artist worked on the squid itself (floats within the glass jar).
Sven's Armor
I also got the chance to work on Sven's Armor (the character model is so awesome, wish I knew who the artist was).
Another piece of Sven's gear was his trusty Jetpack.
They blow up when you shoot them :poly122:
Random Assets
Here are some other little pieces I got to do near the start of the Contract.
There are a couple more random pieces at - www.JasonLavoie.net
I had an awesome time working on this, and hopefully we get a chance to work with Jason Taylor again.
Thanks... Should be doing up a nice little video tutorial on how I did them when I get some free time. I'll share it up on the boards with its own thread when it's ready.
I used the eat3d tutorial on rendering and presentation as a starting point in terms of the work in photoshop but the renders were just me playing around for the most part.
Thanks everyone. It really was an awesome project. Wish it had been longer.
Jason... SICK work... I know I've already said it but hot damn these came out so fantastic!
If you go here http://area.autodesk.com/gdc2012 you can see archived footage from GDC with screens and playthroughs of Hyperspace Madness as well as Autodesk talking about the project a bit.
and another video...
Those videos were really neat! Did you ever get to play the game while you where on the project? 2 months seems very short - I wouldn't be suprised if they haven't released it because of bugs. And now gdc is gone it's hardly on their todo list any more...
I worked for Jason at Little Zoo and Remi at Autodesk on the Sven character. I´ll get you some screens soon.
Fantastic! And welcome to Polycount as well Petur!
I worked closely with Autodesk and Athos Consulting (Alex Papasavas) on the Dev Side of things during the sprint schedules after asset production.
I did all the Environment lighting with Autodesk Beast and all the Shader/Material work along with various other in engine work.
Here are some of my screens.
The last two weeks there were over 300 bugs that were solved.
Alex, the Level Designer, and I were at the booth a good 85% of the time and only noticed 2 major bugs related to gameplay.
Thanks for sharing Chris!
There were 3 consulting firms that worked on the project
Little Zoo for Content
Athos for Programming/In Engine Development
DevSupport for Some Audio, content and in engine
The Athos team was about 15 people. DevSupprt I believe was about 5?
I'm curious though because the OP noted it used UDK. I asked a couple people at the Autodesk booth and they said that Autodesk Gameware would only be available to full Unreal Engine licensees and not for UDK users. Can anyone provide confirmation on that? I was interested in trying out Beast and the AI software with UDK...so fingers crossed.
Game was made in UE3
Not Autodesk Speaking: But afaik there are no plans to integrate anything other than scaleform into UDK that I am aware of.
Beast is fully integrated into Unity for free.
Scaleform is fully integrated into UDK for free.
There are however trials available.
Alright, good to know. I definitely know that Beast wouldn't be offered for free, but if I paid for Beast, is there still no way to integrate with the UDK?
I was thinking the same thing, a lot of similar elements between them. Great series to base it off of if that is indeed the case.
No Unity does not have eRsnt integrated.